What a championship looks like

What a championship looks like

An incredibly beautiful little bird called a championship is widespread in Russia and the CIS, but not every child and even adult learns her sight. The fact is that the habitat of this bird is forest and wooded areas, they rarely appear in the city and almost never in megalopolis. It is impossible to see these birds in winter in the middle strip of the country and in Siberia, as the fins fly to warm edges: in the Caucasus, in the southern regions and eastern Europe. However, at the very first signs of spring, they return to cities in search of food and pairs for offspring. Learn more about these beautiful birds in this article.

What a chaff looks: his color

This type of birds reaches about four hundred and subspecies, so the color is different. However, the type of finger ordinary is widespread in Russia, you can see it in photos and you can meet in your city. It looks such a chapter especially beautiful in the marriage: the spring of the male acquires a red plumage near the beak and a little on the tail. Its general view becomes much brighter and more graceful, the withers rises, the wings become dense. All this is happening for the death of the female, which should give a finger offspring. You are easily distinguished by a gray-blue neck, a brown-brownie back and head.

After the marriage period, the chaff falls red feathers, the general view of the plumage becomes more dull. Nevertheless, males always remain more interesting outwardly, than females. The females have a pretty dark head and a back of brown. The color of males varies during the year and always remains lighter and bright than the female.

The most recognizable part of the chapter is his wings. They have bright white stripes. Strips can go solid lines, and can be curves.

What a championship looks like: its size

Most finches have a size of a sparrow, however, you may come across as a little fish, and large. The largest species of finch reach twenty centimeters from beak to tail. Typically, the easiest way to see the little finches, since they do not need a lot of food for the food, and they can afford to live in the city. Large finches remain in the forest and early departures to the south. Finches nest is almost do not start inside the city, except in the large and sprawling parks, nature reserves.

Finch nestlings are pinkish color dim and meager dimensions: only 4 - 5 cm at the withers. They grow faster in the first week of life, and in a month are almost adults.

How do I know for singing finch

Sonorous and beautiful singing, which many people take for the nightingale sings, in fact, may be the song finch. These birds have a very nice style of singing and the sound of change: they can chirp, whistle and publish its own bizarre sound.

The sad fact, but many finches died right while singing. These birds are so involved in the process and so much throw back his head, which does not see the predators prowling nearby. Fox or other animal quickly jumps on the branch, and on this song finch ends.

Take a walk in the park or forest heat, try to find a bird with striped wings. Once you understand exactly what it finch, try to determine its gender, carefully looked closer to the color. The bird is easily recognizable by the beautiful singing, small size and distinctive plumage.

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