How to restore hair after dyeing?

How to restore hair after dyeing?

Healthy, shining, beautiful hair - dream of every woman. Gorgeous look depends on the right and careful care. Staining, chemical curling, straightening by forceps, formation of curls of the catch or thermo beagudes, drying a hairdryer - all this adversely affects the structure of the hair.

Signs of damaged hair

After numerous staining, hair can lose a healthy look. They require special care if:

  • fall out;
  • strongly sequently;
  • look lifeless;
  • losing glitter, fade;
  • become fragile and brittle;
  • lose volume.

Emergency measures should be urgently taken on the treatment and restoration of the hairproof. This process is long, time-consuming, requiring excerpts and patience. It should be reconsidered to the issues on daily hair care. Take into account all the smallest details that did not notice before.

Changing habitual hair care

Once the hair began to deteriorate, it is necessary to take certain measures:

  1. It is impossible to comb hair immediately after washing the head. At this time, they are very vulnerable and easy to damage them. Use preferably wooden comb, it combbles carefully and gently.
  2. For a while do not use a hairdryer, a puffer, any hair straighteners. Under the influence of hot air, as well as direct sunlight, hair becomes thin and weak. Dry hair should only be naturally.
  3. After staining, wash your head is recommended only after three days and exclude frequent hair washing.
  4. Do not do in one period painting and chemical twist. There must be an interval between the procedures for at least two months.

Strengthening painted hair

After painting, the hair requires additional care. The use of therapeutic cosmetics (masks, balms, shampoos, air conditioners) contribute to strengthening and restoring hair structure. Nutritional masks based on natural products are most available. Combining egg yolks, honey, kefir, yoke and cottage cheese in different versions, you can get a universal means to restore damaged hair after staining. The use of nicotine acid contributes to the strengthening of the hair.


Moisturizing and nutrition

Best feeds and moisturize roots and strands with cosmetics and masks, which include essential oils.

  1. The use of castor, olive, rapid, coconut, almond, sea buckthorn and grape oils is not only treated for injured hair, but also give them smoothness and silkiness.
  2. Funds of traditional medicine in a complex with vitamins and drugs provide full-fledged nutrition from the scalp. They contribute to the strengthening of the roots, prevent hair loss.
  3. It is very important after washing the head to use the rinse. As a folk remedy, attention should be paid to lemon juice, apple vinegar, chamomile decractions, nettle, sage and oak bark.
  4. Washing hair rinse with a solution prepared by one of these ingredients.
  5. It is advisable after each head washing alternate different rinsers.

Basic Hair Care Rules

So that the hair has always been healthy, after the treatment procedures, certain rules should be followed:

  1. Pick only natural dyes.
  2. Hair dry naturally without exposing them to hot, dry air
  3. Wash your head no more than two times a week, more often use herbal champs and shampoos with natural composition.
  4. Do not expose your hair with the effect of the sun, frost and wind. At this time, always cover your head.
  5. Correct damaged and secant tips regularly.
  6. Use combs from natural materials.

Try diligently, carefully treat painted hair, and they will delight you with a healthy view and brilliant beauty.

Comments leave a comment
Renata 02/04/2018 at 16:41.

Beautiful and well-groomed hair is always fashionable, Italians believe that it is necessary to start with hair cleansing and made a special (of flax and cotton) a natural verge of hair washing, hair roots and scalp. Itching itching, dandruff, unpleasant odors. The mitten removes static electricity from the hair and the hair is well calculated and do not rob. Quickly and thoroughly rinsing her hair (you can not hang out with your hands), do not scratch your skin with nails. Hair is shining cleanliness, become lush, silky, like with the cover!

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Anna 20/11/2018 at 15:05

I have just an ultra regenerating mask with an exhaust of grape seeds. It restores the painted hair and the hair color with it longer.

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Lisa 27/04/2019 at 18:39

i was able to restore the hair with a resuscator Horse Force, it protects and restores hair, prevents breakdom

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