How to dry your hair

How to dry your hair

To preserve the hair smooth and thick for a long time, a number of rules for the care of them should be held. If you feed with your hair with oils, abandoned the hair dryer and take vitamins, and the hair still shakes and fumbled, then it is worth paying attention to how you calculate them. Adhering to a few simple tips, you will notice the difference in the condition of the hair in a week.

How to dry your hair - use the right calculations

Few people think about what the calculation is made. For example, if your metal cloves have, then sooner or later they will break part of the hair lines and damage them, such material is too rough for use with hair. Give your preference to natural materials: wood or rogue. At the moment, the breadth of bamboo is popular, so they are incredibly durable and not harm your hair.

If you have plastic calculations, they will not be worse, nor better. True, few people like the increased electrification of the hair after their use.

A few years ago, completely new types of oscillations went to the world, which have soft teeth, like rubber. The manufacturer promises that their use is harmless even on wet hair, which confirm some delighted reviews. Whatever you choose, try to avoid metal teeth.

How to dry your hair - means for smoothing

Disputes about the benefits or the dangers of moisturizing hair for hair do not subside for a very long time. But if you are the owner of fluffy, dry or curly curls, then without sprays you will do it very hard. It is better not to torment the hair with aggressive oiling, but to apply balm, air conditioning or caring mask after washing.

In the process of drying, sprinkle on the hair with two-phase sprays, and at the end, apply a cargo oil to the tips. The process of determining should not cause discomfort, especially since pain.

How to dry your hair - do not calculate wet hair

Specialists all over the world are felt about it - do not calculate their hair until they dried. You can buy a wooden or plastic comb with very large and rare teeth. Only she is possible to sort out his hair a little while they are wet so that the dried styling fit your desire, but even with special means of wet hair is impossible.

How to dry your hair - stick to the same algorithm

As soon as you wash your head, moisten it with a towel. Do not rub strands between it, just praise through the hair. Then, take a discourse with thick rare teeth while the hair is wet, and easily spend on them. It is important to remember that first the tips are twisted, and then the length of the roots. This is done that your hair does not confuse and have not rushed in the process.

After that, leave your hair to dry, start touching them and use the calculations with frequent tooths only after complete drying.

Do not forget to use special oils: castor, ray, almond and peach.

Comments leave a comment
Anna 03/23/2018 at 14:27

It seems to me that the main thing is to use thermal protection for hair when drying hair and styling especially. I picked up a whey resnective hair Horse Force. Besides what he protects his hair, he still restores them

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    Victoria 12/23 to 11:30

    They still have a shampoo with collagen and Lanolin. It also protects the hair when drying from high temperatures. And hair with him shine, become smooth

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Sasha 21/01/2020 at 17:36

Maya has the same shampoo with collagen and Lanolin. It transforms hair straight. They stop sneaking, breaking, passes dull

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