How in 50 look at 35

How in 50 look at 35

Time does not stand still, and with it and technology in cosmetology and the sector of care. Now any woman with proper care can look at 35 years old, and then at 30. It is important to pay time to your body regularly, which means you take it for a lifestyle. Just like breakfast, sleep, as well as water treatments, you should play sports, clean the skin, consume a sufficient amount of vitamins. In this article you will learn a few new secrets of youth, as well as effective anti-aging methods.

As in 50 look at 35 - the earlier to start, the easier it is to cope

Contrary to popular belief, girls at the age of 25 should be careful for their skin, feed it and moisturize, as well as carry out procedures that match your skin type.

The early prevention of aging will give great benefit for the future life of the skin, will reduce the appearance of mimic wrinkles and derete dryness.

To find the necessary tools, it is better to contact a beautician who will tell you in detail about the aspects of care for your face, will give the necessary recommendations and will conduct courses of therapy once a few months.

How to look at 35 - Sport

Even if your face is like a 30th, then age can give the body. Meanwhile, it is not difficult to preserve the tightness and harness if you regularly have an active holiday and go to run. Treat sports not as a exhausting need, but as an ordinary procedure, which should be in your schedule all my life.

It is easier to find that you are closer to your interests: dancing, swimming, simulators, yoga or pilates, tennis and other active sports.

Do not forget that without exercise it is impossible to keep the body as beautiful and slender, as in youth, even if you regularly resort to space procedures.

As in 50 look at 35 - Proper nutrition

You may often hear about this recommendation, passing all its importance. It depends on your nutritionally everything that flows in your body: the condition of your skin, mood, odors, aging vergement, the condition of the teeth. Take yourself a rule that candy can be replaced with dried fruits, honey, nuts. Fried food needs to be removed and instead stew, cook, bake or buy a double boiler. Instead of coffee, various types of tea or chicory are perfectly suitable.

As you can see, all the most harmful products are easily replaced on useful, you only need to pay it a little time and change your habits.

Also more pay attention to products with fiber, strawberry, apricots, fresh vegetables and greenery. To stay in shape, try to balance the consumption of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. It is very simple - it's only worth starting.

How to look at 35 - cosmetology

Even with all your efforts, old age is a natural process in our body, and it will inevitably approach. However, in the modern world you can easily deceive it. When your age reaches 40-50 years, then hiking to the beautician should be a natural order of things. Hyaluronic acid is less distinguished by your skin, and subcutaneous fat fiber decreases. All this is capable of adjusting the cosmetologists, which are injected with hyaluronic acid directly from the syringe.

Take care of the good qualifications of your doctor and there is at least a medium-sized medical education about him, after all, it is impossible to trust his face. Do not be afraid to ask questions and interested in all that you need.

How in 50 look at 35 - the use of phystrogen and additives

For a long time, phytoestrogens are common among women of 40-50 years. They help to fill the loss of estrogen, suspend old age, do not allow you to quickly gain overweight, smooth skin. This practice is not much disseminated in the CIS today, but you will not meet a single woman abroad, which would not include such an additive in your diet.

Evalnamed and ordinary vitamins and trace elements, omega 3. Do not forget to arrange courses of these drugs.

Comments leave a comment
Olesia 03/29/2019 at 20:59.

Very helping to look younger massage and gymnastics for the face. I also try to make homemade masks and smoke. And I look younger than my years.

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Larisa 12/11/2019 at 10:09.

A beautician said me that the leather wilt occurs due to the lack of hyaluronic acid. Therefore, now I take it on a regular basis (I have Evalarovskaya, they also order on shop. Evallar and order, very convenient). Additionally, I try to drink more water, a healthy lifestyle news. I look pretty young than very proud of)

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