How to find out licensed Windows or not?

How to find out licensed Windows or not?

Most PC users are unlikely to distinguish the licensed version of the pirate Windows with the naked eye. And this is understandable, because, in fact, the main functionality of the OS remains unchanged (and minor mistakes are difficult to associate with the unsuccessful assembly of the distribution). However, in certain conditions, it is worth knowing which version of the system you are using. Below we explain this in simple language.

How to identify Windows license before buying?

By default, it should be remembered that the Windows versions are paid, and they cost quite a lot. And almost all the “private traders” and the masters offering the services of the OS, offer a product obtained illegally. Therefore, even if you downloaded and set it yourself, the consequences will apply to all participants in the process. The exception is the product purchased in the store, for example, a computer or laptop with already preinstalled Windows (however, there is no guarantee).

The license, at least, should be confirmed by the presence of a special sticker with a valid key written on it. Windows, which comes with the “iron”, can also be conditionally paid, that is, it will require activation after a certain period. It is useful to find out all these nuances before buying.

How to identify Windows on a sticker?

If the sticker on your device is still present, it is advisable to check the correspondence of Windows versions on the computer and the mark itself. For this:

  • click on the computer icon in the “Start” panel;
  • from the drop -down menu, select the last item - “properties”;
  • the window opens, the version of the OS will be indicated in it from above, and the activation key will be indicated from below;
  • both parameters must correspond to the data from the sticker.

If the Windows disc is acquired “from hand”, then an agreement printed on paper is necessarily issued to the licensed version, and the box is protected by a holographic logo.

How to identify the Windows license after installation?

There is a special Winver team for this. To use it:

  • at the same time, click on the Win+R keys;
  • a string “run” appears;
  • we write in it “CMD” to open the command line;
  • in the new window we type Winver (for Windows 10 we use the SLMGR /XPR command);
  • there will be a notification that indicates the version of the Windows assembly;
  • for a license, the value should be 2600;
  • all other indicators indicate a pirate version.

You can also identify a “pirate” if you run Windows updates. The predominant majority of third -party assemblies do not know how to automatically load updates from official servers, as they do not undergo verification procedure. To check this assumption, just go to the “control panel”, find the update section, go into it and click on the corresponding button. The license will easily find updates, but a pirate copy - no.

To arrange all the points on this issue, we turn to the official Microsoft page for buying Windows. So, for example, the tenth iteration of the system, at the moment, costs a little more than 8,000 rubles. Accordingly, if someone offers you to buy OS for a much lower price, you should doubt the presence of a license.


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gARET BALE 06/14/2018 at 9:08

I have a version of the assembly 7601 on Win7, is it licensed or not?


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