How to get a job in Yandex?

How to get a job in Yandex?

Work in Yandex dreams almost every young specialist. This is the most popular IT company that provides its employees with excellent working conditions and tremendous experience.

Working conditions in Yandex

Yandex does not hide that he really appreciates all its employees. But to make this company, it is necessary to have not only higher education, but also to be a creative person with non-standard thinking. After all, the task of each employee is to improve the company and withdraw it into absolute leaders.

Working conditions:

  • each employee can work remotely (i.e. without leaving the house);
  • there is no clear schedule of work (the employee has a certain number of works that it must fulfill on the specified time);
  • each company office is equipped with a professional gym;
  • all employees have medical insurance, and in offices, doctors duty around the clock;
  • the company regularly conducts free training, trainings, master classes to improve employee qualifications;
  • Yandex takes care of the good nutrition of all employees, so monthly allocates material assistance.

Requirements for future employees

It is clear that such a major organization, the requirements for employees are very large. After all, employees are the face of the company that should cope with any task. Before trying to get a job in Yandex, read the general requirements:

  • higher education (preferably area of \u200b\u200bprogramming);
  • work experience;
  • free ownership of English (knowledge of several languages \u200b\u200bwill only increase your chances);
  • creativity (not banal organizational qualities, but new-fashioned ideas);
  • excellent knowledge of interfaces;
  • good mathematical preparation;
  • skill program;
  • endurance;
  • willingness to move to another city.

How does the hiring in Yandex?

The only way to get to the interview to the Yandex Department is to fill out a questionnaire in the section "Vacancies" on the official website. After you "entered" to the website "Yandex. Jobs ", it is necessary to include creative potential and smelting, as in the questionnaire, you must specify why you want to work in the company. If a person is suitable and meets all the requirements, it will be invited to an interview. In case of operation, remotely, the interview is carried out on Skype. As a rule, the selection of new employees is carried out in several stages:

  • Stage 1 - Collective interview (if you were invited to the office). At this stage, everyone is offered to write an essay (in style that I can give a company, etc.)
  • Stage 2 - solving tasks (tasks can be both mathematical and life, where you must correctly arrange priorities);
  • 3 Stage - work in the team (candidates are divided into groups and look after their behavior, the ability to work in the team, etc.);
  • 4 Stage - Training and Presentation (the best candidates are allowed to this stage), after training it is necessary to pass the exam, which will decide to take you to work or not.

How to make that you take you to Yandex?

Former employees of the Company are divided by some "chips" with applicants to take them to work. Of course, if you do not understand the interface at all, you have no idea what it means to "test", then no leaders will save you.

  • take part in the internship of Yandex (if you are a student of the informatics faculty, then this internship will open you large horizons);
  • check your social networks carefully (after you sent your questionnaire, they can check them);
  • check the job update regularly (it is better to install a mobile application to learn about the new vacancy first);
  • be a socially active person and is aware of all events;
  • participate research and feel free to express your opinion (you can sign up for research on the official page of Yandex);
  • graduate the courses that the company offers (you can go to the courses being a student or even a student of high schools).

Do not communicate with intermediaries who guarantee what can be employed in a leading company. This work fraudsters. To learn in detail about the vacancies you can find on the official website.

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