How to delete applications on android

How to delete applications on android

In the process of selecting the necessary software, unnecessary or not quite suitable programs are often installed on Android-devices that instantly fill the phone's memory, and your gadget loses full-fledged functionality. Therefore, it is better to immediately release space in the phone, getting rid of unnecessary applications. You can make it easy enough and takes it about 5 minutes.

Deleting applications using Android settings

One of the available and simple ways to get rid of downloaded data and installed programs is an application manager built into the operating system.

  • To open the full alphabetical list of applications, you need to open the "Settings" folder, then "applications". You will be all programs that can be deleted (except standard).
  • Now select the desired application and the window will stop on the screen with the "Stop", "Clear Cache", "Erase Data" and the item you want "Delete".
  • Press "Delete" and reaffirm by pressing the "OK" button.

Deleting Android applications using Google Play Market

The lion's share of applications is installed on the gadget from Google Play Market. Here the removal process is also simple:

  • come on Google Play Market, pre-authorized;
  • selects the "My Applications" item;
  • choose the appropriate utility;
  • click "Delete";
  • after confirming the unification, the program will be completely erased.

Deleting Android applications with a third-party Appinstaller utility

You can get rid of the extension "garbage" by the Appinstaller utility. Find such a program, download and install on your Android you can go to Google Play Market. How it works:

  • run the Appinstaller program after the installation is completed;
  • come to the item "Manage";
  • specify the application you want to erase;
  • click Uninstall and wait for the alert that the application is completely removed.

How to delete system applications on Android?

There is always a para-triple of standard programs that occupy memory, but absolutely unnecessary. To delete such files is impossible without root rights. To access, require special software, selected to your gadget. True, there is one way out - the Universal Kingo Android Root program, which comes to most "Android" -thephones.

To become a copyright holder to access system files, you need:

  • Download to the phone and install the Kingo Android Root utility.
  • Find the item "for developers", and select the box next to "USB debugging".
  • Connect your device to a computer using a USB cord.
  • After installing the required drivers, press the ROOT button.
  • Restart the phone.

Now you need to get the Root Explorer utility:

  • Download and install this file manager.
  • Open the application and do this transition: R / W-System / App - the desired application - Delete.
  • After rebooting the device, the standard application will be absent.

You can "customize" your Android to your desires and preferences by downloading various programs. But, the stronger the memory of the phone is "clogged", the sooner the battery reserve expires, and the performance drops. Therefore, more often delete unnecessary files.

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