How to make a estimate for repairs

How to make a estimate for repairs

How should the apartment repair be started - with removal of wallpaper or cleaning the ceiling? The correct answer to this question - with the preparation of the estimate for repairs.

Starting repairs in the apartment, it is necessary to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe upcoming costs. It is better to postpone the start of repair than to suspend it due to the lack of money. The estimate is drawn up in two parts: the cost of materials and transport; Payment of work masters and movers. When redeveloping an apartment, add the cost of registration of documentation.

Getting Started with the preparation of the estimate, analyze the state of the apartment and identify all defects. First, check the condition of the wiring, sewage and water supply. If mold is present on the walls - think about the heat insulation and ventilation device. Curved corners and bought walls are aligned with a plastering mixture. Squeaky wooden floor is dismantled or recalled. After identifying all the shortcomings, you can draw up a defective statement. It will include the works that must be performed first.

Implement the premises and calculate the surface area of \u200b\u200bthe walls and ceilings. Specify the prices of the materials you need. Building mixtures consumption are specified on the package. These figures will also be useful to you. Now you can proceed to the preparation of the table. For each room on the items, specify the types of work, the surface area required by the amount of material, its value. The consumption of plastering mixture and bulk floor depends on the irregularities of the walls. Counting the number of laminate or ceramic tiles, add 10-15% on trimming.

After the purchase of building materials, they must be understood to the house and put in the apartment. Do not forget when drafting estimates about these items - material delivery and payment of loaders. Also in transportation costs should be included by the removal of construction trash.

When concluding an agreement with specialists to repair the apartment, carefully read the estimates that you will be provided. It should reflect all types of work, ranging from dismantling and ending with the export of garbage and cleaning the apartment. Otherwise, during the repair process, you can provide an estimate for additional works that were not originally listed. Additional estimate can be drawn up on unplanned work. For example, you remembered that instead of two outlets in the kitchen you will need five, and it would be nice to install a bidet in the bathroom. If, in the estimate, the "color of the walls" is indicated, specify whether the surface preparation is included in the color - putty and primer so that you do not have to pay extra money.

When all calculations are manufactured, add 20% to the resulting amount. As a rule, everything is not possible and additional costs are required. If extra expenses do not need - an additional amount in the estimate will serve you with a reward for high-quality repairs.

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