How to make a frame for the canvas with his own hands?

How to make a frame for the canvas with his own hands?

If you know how to do something with his hands (in this case we are talking about fakes and other needlework items), it is very good, one must develop and learn everything that interests him. Let's now talk about how to make their own sub-frame house.

nuances manufacturing

If you love to draw and do it well, and you believe that it is time to move on and do not draw on paper and on canvas, then to be able to make their own subframe - a great skill for any artist.

Just want to note that there are several types of stretchers - deaf, as well as modular, incidentally, deaf subframe artists called tough, while the second option - teams.

So, let's first look at how to make home-rigid frame and learn all the nuances of this process:

  • Artists who paint on canvas is not the first time aware of the fact that in any case, at the expiration of some time canvas will gradually sag. Avoid this process is almost impossible, because the external factors in this process are very important (this is the level of humidity and temperature changes, even significant).

  • The main advantage of the modular sub-frame is its mobility, which is provided by members of her sucking wedges of wood. Thanks to them, you can make adjustment of a tension of the canvas.
  • With self-manufacturing of the considered sub-frame need to pay special attention to the correct assembly, because such a framework often get very shaky and wobbly, and therefore not practical.
  • If we carry on the deep sub-frame, in this case, all its parts are very tightly interconnected. This factor is a convenient, if we carry on the fortress of the canvas, but there is a minus - when eventually canvas will sag slightly, it will have to pull completely.
  • If the canvas on a stretcher to be transported, in this case it would be more practical modular sub-frame, because modules can be disassembled and removed from the sub-frame picture, and then collect all quickly and without problems.
  • As for the deaf subframe, even if there is a need to transport the painting on the canvas, it can not be dismantled piece by piece, so in order to for a long time, the canvas will not warp or sag. In the corners of the considered sub-frame must be constructed of the cross.
  • It turns out that the durability of a well stretched canvas largely depends on the quality of manufacture of the subframe for him, so it pays to keep this in mind.

Tools for the subframe

So, let's first understand the tools. Which is to be used in the manufacturing process considered bearing 'construction' for canvas .:

  • hacksaw (and preferably more so was a must, because it will be much harder without it under your hand)
  • wood beams
  • vise
  • glue (any, even PVA)
  • Pencil (not a marker or pen, pencil because it is very easy to erase without a trace)
  • Roulette (if such was not at hand, it would be very strange, then arm yourself with the usual line)
  • paper clips and stapler (construction type)

Now that you know what you need for making the sub-frame, let us define where it is all take and what to do with it:

  • Bruschi found no problem, because such a tool can be found in any hardware store. Very many people in a garage, shed or at the cottage there is a piece of wood, so if you search well, you can find. The ideal option is to stick to 3.2 meters, and when it comes to practicality, the length and size of the bars itself directly depends on what kind of canvas will need to pull on a stretcher.
  • Miter have to buy, because it is cost-effective and practical purchase, because it is useful also for other building and household needs. With it will be very easy to cut corners, so keep this fact in mind.

Making subframe

From the outset, it is necessary to take the timber and carefully cut off a corner of it (in this case you will need a must, because this must be equal to 45 degrees 0).

Now put in front of a timber so that part of it was sharp at the top, and, accordingly, dull - at the bottom. Now, take a pencil and a ruler (or roulette), and measure out the required size of the future of the subframe (all depends on the size of the canvas).

Trim bar must now be on the other side, an angle similar to the previous crop. Immediately noted that all the angles on the bar must be identical to each other.

Thus, at the end of work with the miter box, you need to get four of the same bar with a straight cut on each side.

The next manufacturing step - the compound prepared items. Thus, the cut edge of the smear glue sticks, connect them properly with each other, and then paste it in a vise, and thus make with all parties and bars available.

Remove from the clutches of interconnected bars are only needed every other day, no less, and then to be sure in the fortress created by "design" can fix all the connection locations staple gun.

That's the way you get a sturdy and very practical subframe to which it will be possible to pull the canvas and draw on it masterpieces, or just submit finished canvas on a stretcher and benefit from it to make a profit without hassle.

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Vaclav 06.04.2019 at 15:01

MEND grammatical errors in the text ....

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