How to make a voluminous picture?

How to make a voluminous picture?

Would you like to decorate the walls with voluminous paintings? So why not make them with your own hands! Such paintings look very impressive in the interior of any room. They will also serve as an excellent gift, the main thing is to choose the right theme. You do not need to be a professional artist to create a real masterpiece. In our article you will find simple master classes for making a voluminous picture with your own hands.

Volumetric picture from the dough

It is recommended to begin newcomers from the paintings of a small volume. When you gain more experience and skills, you can proceed to paintings consisting of small and complex details. First of all, you need to prepare a mass for modeling. No need to worry that the finished picture will not last too long. Well dried work will decorate your home for years.

What may be needed:

  • photo frame with glass;
  • finished salty dough;
  • medium -sized scissors and manicure scissors;
  • gouache paints;
  • brushes of different thicknesses.
  • coating varnish;
  • wooden toothpicks;
  • dessert knife;
  • rnoice for rolling dough.
  • cooking molds.

A picture of salt dough, like any art, does not like haste. It requires long exposure, painstaking and attention. It seems to your attention a master class of a voluminous picture with flowers.

  • 1 step - knead the mass for modeling (1 tbsp. Of the height of the highest grade, 1 tbsp. Small grinding, 0.5 tbsp. Cold water);
  • 2 step - the dough should turn out to be airy, without lumps and should not stick to your hands (for the convenience of the collapse you can use the blender);
  • 3 step - put the glass in front of you from the photo of the frame, roll on it part of the dough with a thickness of not more than 5 mm. (the dough should accurately repeat the shape of the glass, it serves as the basis of the future picture);
  • 4 step - transfer the glass to a warm place, it is desirable that direct sunlight falls on it (the dough must dry, but not completely);
  • 5 Step - with the help of paint (you can choose the color scheme yourself, the main thing is that it combines with colors) decorate the dried dough on the glass, we are waiting for complete drying;
  • 6 Step - go to the modeling of twigs, roll the dough into a thin sausage (if you want to make the stem wider, then roll the strips up to 1.5 cm wide.);
  • 7 Step - give wide stems a volume form, making small arbitrary lines with a toothpick;
  • 8 step - gently lay out the twigs according to the picture (choose their number and length as desired);
  • 9 step - we proceed to modeling colors, if you have special blanks for baking cookies with such a shape, then they will do perfectly, if not, you have to model the petals manually;
  • 10 step - from a small amount of dough, blind 5 balls of the same size, press them with an index finger, giving the shape of the petal;
  • 11 Step - design the contours of each petal using manicure scissors;
  • 12 Step - rummage another smaller ball than on the petals (it will be the middle of one flower);
  • 13 step - transfer the petals to the picture, forming a flower, put the middle on top (flowers should be connected to the stems);
  • 14 step - make the required number of colors and decompose them according to the picture;
  • 15 step-transfer the finished picture to a warm place for 1-2 days, wait until all the details of your masterpiece will dry well;
  • 16 step - proceed to coloring all elements and wait for the complete drying of the colors;
  • 17 Step - open the finished picture with varnish and design it with a frame.

Tips for beginners

Of course, the ideal voluminous picture from salt dough for the first time, not everyone is obtained. To avoid common mistakes, follow the tips:

  • no need to use elements with a large thickness (the dough can crack and look sloppy);
  • if the parts are not connected, moisten the joints with water;
  • the cracked edges can be carefully treated with sandpaper;
  • all elements of the picture are best performed on a flat surface covered with foil.

To create paintings, use different improvised objects. For example, with the help of a single -row comb, you can make volumetric waves, and a press for garlic is used to create hair. Show imagination and create unique masterpieces!

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