How to make lysuan without glue

How to make lysuan without glue

Currently, lysons are extremely popular or, in other words, slides. They are of different textures and different compositions: some wet and liquid, it is easy to stretch and rush, others are more like a cheese, more elastic and dense. In any children's store you will find lysuins on the shelves, they have a variety of fillers, colors, sequins or balls. However, no one is insured against allergies, especially the child. Thoughtful parents make lysuins and slides right at home, but the classic recipe involves the use of PVA glue and sodium tetrabrate. Such a composition can cause certain reactions to the skin of the child, in addition, is sufficient toxic. In this article you will learn how to cook leases without glue.

How to make lysun without glue: the first recipe

Natural lysons and slides are very popular when it comes to a rapid child organism. A child at any time can lean the toy to the skin, stick into the mouth or even stupid to try. Of course, it is impossible to admit this, even in the case of natural lysuns, but it is difficult to keep track of kids.

This recipe assumes such a set:

  • Baking soda.
  • Dishwashing liquid.
  • Food dye or gouache.
  • Water.

Take any bowl for mixing and pour the dishwashes there. Add as much water and suck soda. The soda will thicken the mass, a means for washing - increase its size, and water, on the contrary, ignite. Operating ingredients, you need to achieve the desired lizen consistency and spread it well. Such a lysun can be stored for a long time, but it disrupts and after a week it can not stay. Just make yourself a new one.

How to make lizen without glue: recipe with shampoo

Another way implies a fairly curious process:

  • You take shampoo and shower gel in the same proportion.
  • Mix them.
  • Put in the refrigerator for the night.

With a long exposure to cold to soaps, they begin to thick and change their composition. In the morning you will get the lysun already. Such a toy will serve you a few days, after which it can start melting and spread. Try using different brands of soaps.

How to make lysun without glue with flour

This recipe can be called really environmentally friendly. Enough to take such ingredients:

  • Flour.
  • Hot clean water.
  • Food coloring.

Do not be afraid that you get a piece of dough. If everything is done correctly and not to move away from the recipe, then an interesting disposable lysun will come out.

  • First, seek flour so that Lizun is homogeneous and gentle to the touch.
  • For samples take two glasses.
  • Then add cold water and mix, immediately pour hot.
  • Mass should be thick, but not much.
  • Pour hot water until the future lysun becomes sufficiently liquid and homogeneous.
  • After that, add dyes to your taste.
  • Stir again and put the lysun into the fridge.

After a few hours, we get a lot of the refrigerator and disappear well. You will get natural and edible lysun with which you can play all evening. The second time to have fun will not succeed - the dough will behave otherwise when re-cooling, so you have to make a lease re-either to prepare them at once.

Such simple and easy-to-fulfill recipes will help you prepare lysuins without glue.

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