How to make a person from plasticine?

How to make a person from plasticine?

Plasticine is a soft and milk material for modeling, invented more than a hundred years ago, but still popular, especially in children. And which amazing crafts come out of the hands of small sculptors - pets, wild animals, alien ships and aliens, cartoon characters. But people from plasticine do not have many guys. Let's see how to make a person from plasticine correctly.

How to make a person from plasticine - an easy way

So that the little man looked like a real, remember: the head is 1/8 of the body, the waist is in the middle of the body, and the hands should be slightly above the knees. Secure the knowledge, cauting the boy's figure.


  • Plasticine
  • Matches or culinary spats
  • Male knife


  • Cut a piece of white plasticine and a little brown, get drunk in your hands to get the main color. Form a bun from it - a head. Skate black sausages - eyebrows, two white oval with blue circles in the middle - eyes, ball - nose. Attach the elements on the face, pressing on them.

  • From dark brown plasticine, cut out a cake, adapt it to the top of the head and apply a toothpick top down the strips - hair. Put the ears-oval sides.

  • Calm plasticine lumps on a T-shirt - color can be any. Divide the piece into three parts: one bigger, two smaller (the same). From the first share, make a rectangle with smoothed edges - torso, from small - sleeves-sausages. Attach them folded in a handful of palms, connect all parts.

  • Black plasticine lounge in a triangle. Make in its wide part of the non-planted transverse section - shorts. Combine clothing elements and revitalize with yellow baker.

  • Insert the legs in the figure, climbing the match with light plasticine. Rock shoes, decorate them with orange lacing and put on the blank for the legs.

  • Calm a piece of ships, stick on top in the body, dear place installation plasticine. Put on the top of the stick head and - the little man is ready.

How to make a girl from plasticine?

Little fashionista is performed by the same principle as the boy. The only difference in the design of the figure - the hair is longer, the eyes are expressive, the outfit is brighter.

Course of action:

  • Skate from white and pink plasticine ball for head. Make large eyes, curved eyebrows, put the rugs of the brush on the cheeks. Roth mark two crescents of pale red. Attach hair, bangs and secure a hairstyle with a bow.

  • Make a cone from burgundy plasticine, do, turn it into a sundress. With the toothpicks, secure your head over clothes, place your neck and fix the ears.

  • Build two identical bangs - lantern sleeves. From light plasticine, make knobs, having rolled out thick sausages, and put the scarf on the gate as the dress. Finger on the hands of the toothpick, it also take pleate on the skirt and put on the girl's shoes (the principle of manufacture, as in the first paragraph).

How to make spider-spider plasticine?

Many kids are fond of films, cartoons and computer games, where the main character is a spiderman, which fights the villains in the name of justice and good. Cut this mysterious character is not as difficult as it seems.

We work:

  • Make out of red plasticine oval (head), live on the face a place for the eye and insert white into them with a dark frame of the circle.

  • From the same material, form a torso with an elongated neck, and on the sides - the blue suites of the costume.

  • Shot a thick sausage from blue plasticine, turn it away by half, smooth, giving out the thighs. Roll out round knees, legs, put on red boots.

  • Connect the housing with your feet. Make muscular hands from blue-red plasticies and stick them to shoulders.

  • Draw a web throughout the costume, dipping a knife tip in dark plasticine, and connect your head with a torso.

Create men from plasticine is fairly easy to adhere to the above-described technology. If you misunderstood something from our story, see the video materials at the end of the article.

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