How to make holes on jeans do it yourself

How to make holes on jeans do it yourself

Ripped jeans again entered the fashion! Each girl dreams of buying them into their wardrobe. But this purchase will cost a round sum, and it is very difficult to choose the necessary model with scuffs at a suitable place. But do not despair and say goodbye to the dream. This article will tell you how with your own hands to break jeans.

How to make simple holes on jeans

Before cutting a lot of fabric on trousers, learn how to make small and neat holes. One of the popular options for ribbon jeans is a simple incision at the kneel level. But it must be able to do, not to cut the whole pant.

  • This method is suitable for narrow trousers made of dark fabric. You will need: jeans, scissors, handle or pencil and nail file.

  • First you need to make a mark on the fabric so that in vain does not spoil the clothes. Put the trousers, draw the straight line at the knee level parallel to the belt.

Advice. You can visually increase the length of the legs, if you make cuts just above the knee.

  • Count your hand into one of the storing level at the level level. It must be done to accidentally not cut the opposite side of the trouser.
  • Near the side seam, do a small hole with scissors. From him on the planned line, start cutting the fabric.

  • Make the incision as little carefully. Remember: in this case, torn edges are important.

  • Using a nail file, make the cut line shaped. At the same time, move the tool only one way.

  • Then post jeans. Washing dismisses the thread around the cut and makes its edges more disheveled.

How to make holes on jeans razor

If you do not like to use scissors and do not want to make holes on trousers for a long time, then the next way is for you.

  • In addition to jeans for work, you will be needed: one-time machine and cardboard.

  • Spread the thing on a flat surface. Visitiously imagine where you want to make holes. It is usually knees, but in the same way you can break the cloth anywhere in the trousers.

  • Be sure to undermine the top layer of fabric cardboard. It will not allow to spoil the second part of the trousers.

  • Hold the jeans with one hand, the other spend the razor on the fabric in the intended place.

  • Periodically clean the blade so that it remains sharp.

  • Continue to process the razor fabric until the desired effect is achieved.

  • As a result of such actions, you will get such a hole on jeans.

Important! Keep in mind that the edges on the fabric are becoming more at each wash. Therefore, first, it is better to make a small hole and then increase it if necessary.

How to make holes on jeans with scuffs

Fashion on ripped jeans provides a sock of very shabby clothing. Therefore, for a stylish accessory, old jeans are best suitable. If you do not have such, then you manually crash.

  • Prepare: a sponge with a rough surface (or a brush for suede), sandpaper paper, pins, scissors, bleach and wooden base.

  • Make marks on your knees as in the previous paragraph. But in this case, try to make them when the knees bent. Otherwise, when you sit, the fabric saves or digends into the skin.
  • Pins take the cut boundaries. Inside the trousers, put a wooden base or cardboard. Make one smooth cut on the width of the pants.

  • Entry paper trees cloth around the hole. This will create rubbing on the fabric. You can also make extra holes next to the cut. Thrite emery paper until horizontal white threads appear.

Important! Use scissors only in the case when you want to make a cut. Threads in the hole are obtained using emery paper.

  • Then the sponge process the cut from all sides on the cut and other holes.

  • If you wish, you can make the "Rancake" in other places of jeans in the same way.
  • The final stage is the clarification of the tissue. Near the holes neatly apply whiten and immediately post the pants.

How to make holes on jeans sandpaper and tweezers

If you do not want additional losses on trousers, as well as get the clarified sections of the fabric, then use the following way to create a fashion accessory.

  • To handle holes, you will need: tweezers, cardboard, scissors, sandpaper.

  • First, determine the place on jeans, where you need to make cuts. For this, be sure to put the pants. Do not be afraid to use the marker for this. It will not be visible, since the drawn threads will then doit.

  • To get a hole with torn edges, pre-process the fabric with sandpaper. At the same time, it is not necessary to rub it hard, otherwise you will immediately get a hole.

  • Scissors cut the cloth. Make horizontal cuts across the entire planned area on the fabric. But the distance between them should not be too big.

  • With the help of a tweezer, pull out vertical strings on the cut strips. Try to do it very carefully.

  • Then just post jeans at high temperatures. So you artificialize the thing.

You can make a fashionable accessory from old jeans with your own hands. You will need only scissors, sandpaper and tweezers.

A few more tips on how to break jeans, as well as how to prevent errors, look at the video:

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