How to make jeans lighter

How to make jeans lighter

The history of jeans begins with the distant 1853, at that time it was working clothes of farmers, cowboys and gold kits, due to the density material defended them from significant injuries. Now jeans are in the wardrobe almost every person. The variety of models and colors is so great that everything in one closet does not put. Today we will tell you how to make old jeans lighter and apply an unusual and original pattern on them, thereby updating your wardrobe with almost new pants.

Dining room soda

This method is best to use if you have conceived to make brighter jeans made of fine material, since bleaching can spoil a thin fabric:

  1. Mix with a washing powder in proportion of 1 to 4 (soda less) and a mixture with a mixture of pants.
  2. It is best to wash in order to avoid possible damage to the washing drum when contacting food soda.
  3. After washing, rinse jeans with warm water and leave them to dry.

The minus of this method is that for a deeper highlight, you will need to do this procedure several times, however, you have complete control of the shift of the pants.


Tools and materials that will be needed when working:

  • cup;
  • metal bucket;
  • bleach;
  • rubber safety gloves;
  • clothespins (you can also take rods or gum);
  • long object for stirring the consistency.


  1. First you need to twist jeans as you like, and consolidate them with clothespins or pieces of rods. If you want to breathe jeans in one tone, then you skip the first stage.
  2. We fill with water (we take a little more than half of the bucket), add one glass of whiteness or bleach and put on fire, bring to a boil. Lower jeans in boiling water so that they completely drowned. Be sure to work in gloves, the resulting liquid is dangerous for your skin!
  3. Pants will constantly pop up, so take a long item and follow the jeans to be completely under water. Boil to those until they change color.
  4. When notice that the pants changed the color, it's time to remove them from the bucket. Do it carefully so that the water does not hit you on the skin, remove all the clothespins, ride jeans in cold water and hang them dry. That's all, the wardrobe is updated.

To leave the color of the pants for the same and simply apply some interesting patterns, use the sponge and a mixture of water with a bleach. Apply this liquid with a sponge to jeans - and get a very interesting effect.

Hydrogen peroxide

This method does not require special efforts and time costs:

  • We put jeans in the washing machine and in the separation with a powder add some peroxide (no more than 2 tablespoons). We wash and get lighted jeans.
  • For more visible flames, we advise you to post this method several times.
  • Also, an effective way to breathe jeans is in soaking them in a domestos solution with water. Paul a glass of a domaint is diluted with 3 liters of water. Soak jeans until they look, then carefully rinse them with cold water and dried.

Now you know 3 methods, how to convert and make your jeans lighter. Do not be afraid to experiment and share your results. Enjoy a new wardrobe without doing high costs!

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