How to paint pants

How to paint pants

Sooner or later, your favorite trousers lose their color and become faded. If you do not want to part or difficult to choose a successful model of new pants, then old trousers can be reanimated. To do this, they need to paint, in this article we will tell you how to do it.

Choose dye

First of all, make sure that there is no Lavsana and Nitron as part of the fabric. These fibers are poorly staining and can completely spoil the type of pants. If these threads are not in the composition of the fabric, you can safely go to the paint. Get a dye that is suitable for your fabric, but the universal pigment is also suitable. Typically, the coloring compositions are sold in the form of a powder that needs to be breeding in warm water. Dyes are suitable in the form of a thick liquid.

How to paint pants

Staining in a washing machine

There are several ways to dye fabrics:

  • in a washing machine;
  • hands.

If you have a washing machine with frontal loading, paint clothes will not work, as it is necessary to pour the coloring solution in the cooked form. If the machine is vertical loading, you can proceed to the procedure. To do this, dissolve the packet dye in a small amount of warm water and mix thoroughly. After that, strain the liquid through the gauze and bring the resulting solution volume to 1 liter. Add a glass of salt to the mixture, it serves as a fixer.

How to paint pants

Turn on the usual washing and pour the dye into the water, add a tablespoon of washing powder. When clean water is well mixed with the cooked solution, you can upload trousers in the drum. Wash you need at high temperatures. If there are elastane in pants, then the maximum washing point is 60 ° C. If you paint jeans, then you can wash at a temperature of 90 ° C.

How to paint pants

helpful hints

30 minutes are enough in a washing machine so that the fabric is well painted. Now you can turn on the drain and rinsing mode. Color your pants on the rope and dry them in the shade. It is best to carry out drying on the balcony. It is impossible to get straight sun rays on clothes. If you want to lighten the pants, before painting them should be whiten by whiteness or chlorine-containing bleach. Before staining, the thing needs to be wrapped and removing the flax of the fat, they are poorly staining.

How to paint pants

Manual staining

It is necessary to take into account that it is more complicated to paint the pants, rather than in a washing machine. To do this, take an unnecessary metal container, since after staining a bucket or a saucepan cannot be used for cooking. Dissolve the dye in the same way as when staining in a washing machine. Do not add salt. Place the product in the container with the solution and leave it for 30 minutes. Watch the trousers to be completely immersed in the solution. After that, put a saucepan on fire and bring the liquid with the pants to a boil. After boiling, turn off the heating and give the liquid to cool. Rinse the pants in water with the addition of vinegar or salt. This will help consolidate the color.

How to paint pants

If you are not ready to spoil your favorite jeans, give them to dry cleaning. Despite the high cost of such a service, you will get a new thing.

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