How to make losses on jeans

How to make losses on jeans

Your favorite jeans have become unfounded? They sentenced their age in demand? Do not hurry to write off them with bills. You can make them stylish outfit that look like design brands that are incredibly expensive. A simple way to implement the fashionable idea is to make scuffs on jeans.

No matter what style of your jeans - tight or boyfriends, classic or unisex - they all personify freedom and they can be made vintage and incredibly stylish thing. For this you do not need to have special skill, but just follow the instructions described below. To create the effect of scuffing on jeans, you will need:

  1. Any of the existing abrasives (pumice, metal grater, sandpaper, etc.).
  2. Pinzet or hook.
  3. Fragment of cardboard or plywood.
  4. Promotion, pencil or chalk.

Jeans right

Choose suitable jeans and decide on the nature of scuffs on them. Depending on the abrasive material used, the aesthetic effect will also differ. For example:

  • Entry paper must be used for a deep and pronounced result. It is better to stop your choice on fine-grained sandpaper.
  • Pumice will make the stitching more delicate and smaller in the area.
  • A tweezers or hook will help to simulate accustomed factory cutters on denim.

Advice. If there was no suitable jeans pair at hand, you can visit Second-hand. It is in him an abundance of models that are not sorry for experimenting.

Jeans 4.

Castle lines and places of future scuffs using pastures. To do this, you can put them on yourself so that it is visually easier to do it. Lost or under the knee, the rear pockets are also more profitable. You can use logic and place them in places where such things are usually wiped. The length of the intended lines can be arbitrary, depending on the desired result. It should not be zealous over the elbow and knee areas of jeans. In these places, scuffs can quickly turn into unplanned holes.

Make a wet jeans (wet and squeeze). Take the cardboard or skidding and put under the intended place of scuffs. So you facilitate your work and protect the opposite side of the denim. Treat the sections using sandwich or pumice. You can make several cuts. Tritte the surface of the fabric is not too long, it is better gradually, while stopping and evaluating the result. It is important not to lose a sense of measure. More pronounced places treat the sandpaper, the rest is a delicate pimple. Take a tweezers or hook and pull the transverse blue fibers near scuffs, cuts, or in any marked place. White longitudinal threads are important to leave in its place, so that they served as the basis. This method will add a kind of highlight and delicacy your new jeans. The thinner the tissue of jeans, the faster it will be "aged". Fold the modified clothing in the usual way and evaluate the result. If for any reason it does not suit, repeat the procedure of artificial modification. Remember that some fashionable for greater effects use bleach and processed their extremely loss places.

Jeans 2.

Now you have known how to give your jeans bohemian, stylish or even a careless look. It is completely simple and depends on the number of losses and views of the "home designer".

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