How to form jeans

How to form jeans

Jeans have long changed their working "specialty", becoming a universal type of clothing. Therefore, today they can be seen on the street, in the office, on the podium and even on the red carpet. In pursuit of changing fashion styles Length, color and trim jeans are constantly changing. So now in Trend Denim with the effect of antiquity, which under production conditions is done with silicate sand and chemicals. We will tell you several ways, how to "make up" jeans on our own and make them trendy.

The first, where to start most of the stylists - changing the color of jeans. For maximum effect, they need to give the faded and stiff view. You can achieve this at home in two ways - boiling and washing in the washing machine. Despite the fact that "Cooking" jeans in a saucepan with a bleach today seems to be the past century, however, it "creates" them much better than its modern automatic competitor. Little trick: As a result of your manipulations, the color of the pants turned out to be inhomogeneous, before the "cooking" or washing, tie their nodes in one or several places.

To give jeans a shape with a bleach, lay out future fashionable pants to a bulk pan and fill it with water (half). When the water boils in it, add a bleach. To get a slightly aged look, boil jeans 10-15 minutes, for a more noteworthy result you can increase the time "cooking" up to 50 minutes. The bleach can be used no less efficient and without "cooking". For example, in order to create island, it is possible to lose a piece of fabric, soaked with this substance in the plans you have chosen. It is also possible to decorate jeans with drawing, letters or ornaments with stencils. Watch wand moistened in the bleach helps you "range" edges and jeans seams or cause more subtle patterns.

Actuate your denim pants using a washing machine as follows. Place them in the washer and extend 2-3 cycles on the longest program with the highest temperature. For washing in this case, you need to use powder with bleaching components.

For the complete effect of "aging" can not do without disturbing the integrity of the tissue of jeans, that is, holes and scuffs. In fact, decorate this way Denim is not at all difficult, but even very interesting. The main thing is what you need to decide - where to make such defects and in what sizes. So, to create holes on the pumors, simply take suns in the marked places (or cut out the pieces of fabric) with the help of scissors. As a final touch of a needle, make the edges of holes disheveled, pulling the threads.

How-to make holes-on jeans

To decorate your new-fashioned aged jeans fringe, you will need a little more skill. Note the location of the "Jewelry" on the panta and swipe the two parallel lines of the desired height - along the left seam and along the right. Now with the help of a needle, carefully pull out the longitudinal filaments of the fabric until the desired length of the fringe is achieved.

You can get artificially in jeans on jeans in several ways: with the help of sandpaper, pembassal or a piece of ordinary brick. To do this, just wipe the tissue of the pants in those places where you want to create a misfortune effect. It can be seams, bends, edges of pockets, hips, knees, etc. At the same time, using sandpaper, remember: the more abrasive particles on it, the stronger the loss will turn out.

To create a loss of seams and the edges of the trousers, you can use another way. Spread jeans on something hard and blade (stationery knife) Make shallow cuts (to the second layer of fabric) on the edge of the seams and the trousers. Then apply for 10-15 minutes away in hot water bleach. Complete the effect of the usual laundry jeans in the washing machine.

As you can see, get stylish jeans at a minimum cost and effort - absolutely real. Even if you can't boast designer abilities, you can find a lot of ideas and video lessons on the Internet. For example, posted below the video on how to make ripped jeans.

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