How to lengthen jeans

How to lengthen jeans

Most often after buying jeans, we shortly shorten them, but it happens and vice versa that love A couple of centimeters. You have several options for lengthening both new jeans and those worn, the bottom of which need rehabilitation.

Among Select the one that the most impressed you:

  • fIRST: RESERVING POGE OF POGBA NIZA AND CONTACT SCREEN ON THE MINIAL DINE, add a lace motive or perform a cuff from another material;
  • second: release the seam at the bottom of jeans and sunmose on the trouser tape, paving the finishing line in the tone;
  • third: cut off part of the pants below the knee, perform a lace insert;

Regardless of the method of lengthening jeans you will need:

  • threads in tone tissue;
  • sewing machine or hand needles set;
  • scissors;
  • sNIPPER;
  • chalk or surcharge;
  • ruler;
  • braid for stitching Niza trousers;
  • lace (optional, rather as a scenery).

First VIA nT SC.ore impreams old, but beloved jeans, with whom it is a pity to part. You need to twist a finishing line at the bottom of jeans or trim sticking tissue threads, cut out overlock stitch. If we are gone about a narrowed model then on overlock Seam attach lace and roll the locking line in a circle. If you choose a beautiful ornament from a high-quality basis, then updated Jeans will look very stylish.

For Cuff manufacturers Prepare a fabric similar to the main material or with a decorative pattern, for example, a floral motif, a checkered pattern, etc. Flee the circle of niza pants, add two centimeters to the seams and determine the length of the cuff, ideally 5 6 cm. Duplicate the item fliselin. Take one edge of the cuff to the involving side of the pants, on the cuff. kantoy Location, second cut down on 0.5 1 cm, impose on the front side of the foundation and set. Perform thermal processing.

The second option can be applied both in the case of new jeans, and with worn, the edge of which water to holes. Take manicure scissors, sNIPPER (Especially for trimming the threads) or a stationery knife, reflect the finishing line, expand the bend, turn the steam iron. After measuring the required number of centimeters and swipe the checkline. Such markup indicates bending and a new face elongated Pants.

Decide how to handle the bottom. If you use the trouser braid, then handle cuts overlock is not necessary. PEE pC TKani, on a cut, impose on Crate to the pant. The gap can be performed on the width of the braid or 0.5 cm from the edge, step up. Excellence in the side of the offstairs and finish line at the bottom of jeans.

The third option can be used for spring-summer models. When choosing lace, look at the symmetry region and density of material. Knitted lace is not suitable. Mark the distance from the knee or Niza Stannik, where you would like to cover the lace, spend a small line. Cut the details and mark them or scroll the pins to not be confused. Squeeze the desired length of the lace element and set to two parts of the pants. Perform the scores.

If you are not sure about the correctness of your actions, do the process visually without resorting to the fundamental action.

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