How to make a beard grew

How to make a beard grew

Beard is a symbol of courage and power. Not all men can have beautiful thick vegetation, but there are several techniques that will help you with this!

How and when the beard begins to grow

The appearance of thick vegetation on the face is manifested at the age of 16-25 years. Many men think that the more often the desired beard will grow faster and faster will grow faster, and they are in delusion. First, the hair really begin to grow faster, but it is brief. The most correct decision will not take the machine in the hands of about four weeks, this is the maximum time to grow beard. After the month passed, you can give the shape and maintain the desired hair length. When growing thick vegetation, you may encounter some nuances:

  • In the first week, the growing of the bristles it may seem to you that the hair is grown intermittently or do not grow on the cheeks at all. This is due to the slow development of follicles in the field of spaces, as the main part of vegetation is growing, the time to catch up with a slower hair. As a result, at the end of four weeks you will get a uniform beautiful beard. In this matter, the main time is time.
  • At the initial stage of growing gorgeous beard you can disturb the strong itching, wash away more often with cool water to combat it and use moisturizing balms.

How to promote growth of healthy and thick beard

To accelerate hair growth on the skin of the face, ensure your body the most necessary, namely:

  • Drink more water - for the growth of the hairproof, it is necessary to ensure hair bulbs with a sufficient amount of water, doctors recommend drinking about 2 liters.
  • Adjust your power mode - turn on with oil and proteins rich in your diet, which provide a healthy view and beard structure. Such products include: dairy food, beef, broccoli, beans, carrots, cabbage.
  • Exercise active workouts that contribute to the production of male hormone - progesterone affecting the condition and type of beard in general.
  • Avoid stressful situations leading to partial or complete hair loss. Perfectly strengthen the immune system and help in the fight against the vitamins of group V.
  • Provide your body healthy sleep - night rest should be a duration of about 8 hours. During sleep, our cells are updated, stimulating active hair growth.
  • Refuse bad habits - alcohol and nicotine will slow down the process of hair growth, thinning their structure.

How to make a beard grew - hygiene and care

Beard care includes combing and thoroughly washing with water in order to avoid mud in the pores of the skin. Purchase a combing comb with single wide teeth, trimmer and scissors to trim the beard in a specialized store.

  • Combing starts from the ears and lead towards the chin, after which you can unwind the beard with your hands.
  • Strike is allowed only dry and thoroughly dried beard, the haircut is recommended once a week.
  • For beard washed, you can do the usual shampoo, which is suitable for a man by hair type.
  • The use of hard soap is prohibited for cleansing, which makes the hair rigid and prevents the stacking.

How to make a beard grow - folk remedies

To maintain a healthy and well-kept type of vegetation, it is necessary to take care of the skin of the face and feed the hair follicles with vitamins. Once a week it is recommended to make a set of procedures for maintaining a well-kept beard:

  • To cleanse the pores from the contamination, rinse the face under running water, cover your head with a towel and wait over the ferry from hot dishes. For deep cleansing, perform a procedure for 5 minutes.
  • Masks with burdensome oil contribute to the active growth of hair and restore their structure - cover the burdock oil with circular motions, wrap the face of the food film for 2 hours, then rinse with warm water.
  • To improve the blood flow in the face of the face, use pepper infusion - for cooking, pour two red peppers with 1 liter of vodka and 0.5 liters of water. Make the solution on the face with the resulting solution. As soon as you feel burning, wash the infusion with water.
  • Once a week, use the eucalyptus mask to increase the growth of beard and mustache.

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