How to make hair thicker

How to make hair thicker

Thick bulk hair are decoration of any girl. But not all nature gave a similar beauty. To solve such a problem, there are many means - from salon procedures to folk recipes. But, before dealing with the consequence, you need to identify the reason for hair loss.

Hair loss is a normal process. The hairproke is updated all the time and if you see that hairs remained on the comb, then you shouldn't immediately start panicing. The norm is 80-100 felling hair per day. If you notice that they are more, it is already worth thinking.

Causes of hair loss:

  • with tough power limit, the body simply lacks elements and vitamins for hair growth, so diverse diets contribute to their falling out;
  • discoloration, chemical curling and other procedures that injured hair;
  • reception of medicines, especially antibiotics;
  • incorrect care;
  • pregnancy.

To correct the situation, the best way out will turn to a trichologist so that it definitely determined the cause of the loss and picked up the appropriate treatment. But if there is no possibility to go to the doctor, then you can try to cope with your own forces.

A temporary solution to the problem is hair extension. They are held for several months and visually add volume. You can also take advantage of hairpins.
But these solutions will simply hide the problem, they will not stop their own hair from these measures.

When having hair falls, it is worth thinking about nutrition. Hard diets do not benefit all the body. For normal operation, the menu must be balanced. It is especially important that protein present in it, it is necessary for hair growth. Include in your food dairy, fish, bird, legumes and eggs.

In addition to its diet, you can take a complex of vitamins in which there must be:

  • vitamins A, C, B5;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc.

For hair health, you need to correctly choose detergent and caring tools. Before purchase, be sure to pay attention to the composition, prefer the means without silicones. In addition to shampoo, be sure to use balsamas and hair masks.

Try to minimize the procedures that injure hair. Hairdryer, Cloak, Iron - All this is very drying hair, makes them brittle and thin.

The higher the blood circulation, the faster and the thick of the hair grows. For blood flow, you can make a head massage once or two per week. It does not require special skills, the main thing is not to pull your hair and do not injure them.

In order to make hair thicker and prevent their loss, take advantage of the folk recipes. The most popular hair growth mask is a tincture of pepper. It can be purchased at the pharmacy. It is only worth the perturbing on the roots if it is distributed to the whole length, it dries hair. After withstanding 15-20 minutes and wash off with warm water. To enhance the effect, you can bite your head with a handkerchief or a towel.

To enhance the growth, a variety of oils are used: repeal, linen, castor. Like perting, they are applied to the roots, withstand 15-20 minutes and wash off.

To restore hair, you can contact the salon. Now there are many procedures that help make them thick and speed up growth, as well as improve the appearance. The most popular of them are lamination and biolanation.

If you decide to deal with the problem of hair growth, then you should not wait for instant results. The first effect can be noticed only after a month or one and a half after comprehensive treatment and recovery. Therefore, go to patience and do not quit halfway.

Comments leave a comment
Anna 03/23/2018 at 14:32

I still like the batch of oils Horse Fors. Hair after him really become thick, shiny and smooth

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    Kristina 12/23/2019 at 11:36.

    I want to try it all. I read about it a lot of good. I myself use the mask of the Mask Horse Force. It stimulates hair growth, moisturizes them.

    To answer
Tanya 21/01/2020 at 17:42.

Bathing Horsa Fors also appreciated. Easily washed off, do not burn hair. Convenient to apply on the hair, because There is a spray. And it can still be applied to wet hair after washing the head

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