How to make a watch from cardboard to move the arrows

How to make a watch from cardboard to move the arrows

If you have a child, even a mother who did not consider himself a needlewoman, necessarily should become it. Without this, nowhere, because kindergarten and school are "extortioners" of various sodes, scenery, scenarios, etc. Let's talk today about how to make a watch from cardboard, but such that the arrows on them moved.

Nuances of manufacture

Immediately it is worth saying that the crafts of this kind do not be difficult, the main thing is to set the goal, and to have a desire to do something original.

Just imagine how your child will be glad that you will make original and very unusual clock with him, arrows on which you can move. Such hours first are needed to teach a child to understand the time. Let's find out what ideas are on this account and how to implement them.

Cardboard hours from Lego

So, so, before sitting for creating a craft, you need to prepare all the necessary materials:

  • cardboard
  • scissors
  • decor (various kinds of beads, ribbons, rhinestones, etc.)
  • arrows (they can be made of any material or take ready-made from old hours)
  • pencils, paints, markers, brushes, grater, etc.

When, at hand, all the basic materials are, you can already think about what the craft should be.

The first original idea is to make a clock from the designer. For such purposes, you can take Lego. This idea is really interesting and its main advantage is that this craft can then be disassembled and make something else from this designer. The creation process is extremely simple, and the craft is very bright and cheerful:

  • Take a large sheet of cardboard, and cut out a flat circle out of it. This will be the basis of our future hours. With the size, we are determined independently, it all depends on the existing number of parts of the designer.
  • In order for the circle to be smooth, you can use either a pattern, or a circulation.
  • Now you can paint the base with paints, wovers or pencils. Here, too, the choice happens at your request. You can draw an interesting story, fabulous heroes, or just decorate with bright colors.
  • Now you will need twelve part of Lego. It can be just multicolored parts, or you can take Lego heroes (it will be more fun).
  • No need to forget about the main part of such hours - it is the arrows. You yourself can make them from cardboard or plastics, material and form you can also choose yourself. Just draw on paper or cardboard arrows, apart them, then cut out.
  • Now, when we have a basis, Lego details that will act as numbers, and the arrows, you can move to the direct creation of original hours.
  • First, on the basis of needed 12 holes that are located should be at the same distance from each other. The holes that you will do should not be more than the items themselves so that they do not fail.
  • We attach details of Lego to the clock, sticking their protruding elements into holes based on. If the protruding details are not, then you can attach Lego to two-sided tape or, at the end, the "moment" glue.
  • In the center of the base, you also need to make a hole where we will attach our arrows. In order for the arrows to move, you can attach them to the carnations.

Interesting idea

The previous version we looked at, very original, but at the same time, there are no numbers on the dial there, which means that the child will be difficult to learn the numbers and understand the time, so this is a good option for crafts is already enough adult child who understands good time.

Let's now consider another way to create hours from cardboard:

  • We take a large sheet of cardboard and cut out the basis for watches, as in the previous time.
  • Now we are armed with a felt-tip pen and draw a dial based on. You can make it with paints, wovers or pencil, best, make it bright color so that the clock looks more fun. The main thing is that the numbers are drawn at the same distance.
  • Now you need to make arrows. To do this, you can use ready-made arrows, and you can make it yourself. We take two wands of wood from ice cream and connect carnations from each other. As the basis to which you will navigate the carnations, you can use a piece of the same stick.
  • On the one hand, where you drew the dial, you need to attach two arrows, and on the other hand, hold a piece of wood and nail the arrows to it, and then the arrows on the dial will move, and the child will be able to learn how to understand the time.

  • In order for the clock to be brighter, you can decorate the basis and various markers or paints to write each figure. Among other things, you can also decorate the clock with rhinestones, ribbons, beads and other decorative elements. Everything will depend on your imagination.

You can also add the clock with different elements. For example, you can, cut the crown of colored paper or cardboard and glue it to the top of the dial. In order for the child to be easier to teach the numbers and understand the time, you can sign arrows, write on one "minute", and on another "clock".

To simplify the process of creating the clock, it is possible to create a reason to create a plate (which you want to circle a felt-tip pen or pencil). You can also use colored clock paper or felt. Here everything will depend on your desire, fantasies and under hand.

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