How to independently configure the satellite antenna

How to independently configure the satellite antenna

Satellite counterclars have long settled in every home. Most viewers think that to customize the satellite antenna is very difficult and only a professional can cope with it. In practice, everything turns out to be different and if they do everything according to the instructions, it is not so inaccessible.

Where to install a satellite antenna

To begin with, accurately define the parties of the world. At 13.00 the Sun is strictly in the south. This is a fairly reliable way, but it is possible to use only in sunny weather. For greater reliability, you can use the usual compass. Use the compass you need with the mind - near the reinforced concrete wall you get erroneous readings. HOTBIRD, Amos and Sirius satellites are located in the southwest, and NTV + satellite in the north.

Deciding where what side of the world, determine the visibility of the satellite. The bottle is easiest to put on the roof, but it can just steal it from there. Not suitable for fastening the gas chimney pipe. An excellent option is the walls of the elevator mines. If you want to set a plate near the window of your apartment, then it should not be located under the roof visor, otherwise it will worsen the quality of the signal. As an optimal place for installation, you can consider the outer side of the loggia or balcony.

How to set up a satellite antenna - Cable selection

Take away the process of buying a cable with all seriousness. On the Internet and in satellite television, in addition to the signal, the power supply voltage to the converter is transmitted over the cable, as well as the special signals necessary to switch between the converter modes. Try not to use a cheap Chinese cable RG6. If there is no such possibility, then when laying, try to reduce its length to a minimum between the converter and the receiver. Its low quality parameters will affect the loss of the signal.

Installation of satellite television connectors

  • Remove the insulation of the cable by 20 mm. Do not damage the cable shielding braid.
  • Place it along the cable.
  • Along the shielding braid neatly placing foil.
  • Remove the inner insulation by 15 mm.
  • Screw the connector as much as possible.
  • Cut Central wire. He should not perform more than 2-3 mm.

Setting up satellite antenna

  • Emboss the corner of the place and azimuth satellite antenna. Azimuth is exhibited by compass. With the angle of place everything is much more complicated. It depends on the design of the antenna and the manufacturer.
  • Explore the instruction manual of the satellite antenna. In accordance with it, connect the cable to the satellite receiver. Cable comes from switch or converter.
  • Explore the instruction manual for the receiver. According to the instructions, connect it to the TV and turn on.
  • Each digital satellite receiver initially must be programmed to Channels Hotbird, Sirius, Amos. And Channel List Select one "open" on the NTV + or Sirius satellite (depending on which satellite you want to configure).
  • Very slowly and gently move the plates mirror in horizontal and vertical planes. You must achieve a high-quality television picture on the TV screen. After each rotation of the antenna, it is necessary to wait 4-6 seconds until the signal comes to the TV.
  • In the menu of your satellite receiver, activate the "Level of the received signal". Try to achieve maximum value by light and minor displacements of the antenna mirrors in both planes. Note that weather conditions have a significant impact on the signal level. With abundant rain, snowfall or dense cloud, the signal level may generally be absent. Snow or ice, sealed antenna, also adversely affects the level of the signal.
  • Hold all adjusting nuts. Do not forget to control the level of the received signal.

For our part, we tried to provide you with comprehensive and complete information on setting up the receiver and satellite antenna. Please note, we recommend that you still refer to specialists. Satellite antenna setup is a very affordable service. Only professionals of their business, who comply with security, will be able to qualitatively configure you television.

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