Who plays minecraft for a long time, for sure, aware of the fact that the creators of the game provide all players a lot of interesting and useful opportunities, but, along with that. They must behave in this game properly. Sometimes it happens that the player is banned. Let's figure out why this can happen and what can be done with it.
Ban player
Do not think that there are few and infrequently. In fact, this happens completely and beside. Administrators have every day to ban players and do it regularly. The reasons for this may be the most different. The only thing that can be said is exactly what it is done is not specifically and not just like that, it means that the player is clearly deserved. The most common reasons for such actions by the administrator can be:
- Insulting players
- Regular use of vocabulary, which refers to censorship
- Cheaterism is also punished by a ban on the administrator
Each player must understand that in each server game server there are certain rules that everyone should adhere to who wants to use a particular game without problems.
As soon as one of the players violates this or another rule, at least one of the list created by the administrator or the creator of the game, the player is immediately bantal.
When the administrator popsizes this kind of punishment, it must define the unlock time, which is carried out automatically, and also specify the reason for which such a situation has developed.
Despite all the established rules, sometimes the player makes it possible not to fully leave the term of its "punishment" and unlock it before the previously specified deadlines.
One of these examples is a competent explanation by the player of his behavior or actions. In that case, if the presentation form is simple, polite and understandable, the administrator at its discretion may decide on the preliminary unlocking of the player previously sent to the Ban.
It turns out that the first option will get rid of the ban, it will talk to the "souls" with the administrator. An experienced and quasified administrator always enters the position of the players and makes it possible to correct, which means that every player who has banned has the opportunity to get out of the ban before the deadline. But sometimes this method is not effective and not effective, then other actions should be taken.
Namba manually
If it happened that you were banned and your explanations did not cause premature dub, then you need to think about how it can be done on your own and manually.
Through the console:
- This method is considered the fastest and simple.
- In order to take off the player, you will need to use the console in the game.
- This method is effective only if the blocking was applied by the usual method (simple block), then to remove the ban, the player must be prescribed on a command line only one command - Pardon.
- As soon as you enter this command in the console, you will need to register your name (or whose player banned administrators).
- After the actions described above, the user can easily go to the server (which was registered before) and continue the game, as if nothing had happened (regardless of how earlier you decide to remove the ban in manual mode).
This method will be effective if administrators decided to ban your account. It happens sometimes so that the administrators decide to take a more severe punishment - and the IP address is banned, and not just an account.
If it happened, then you need to be aware of how to cope with the IP address of your PC. If you are banned in Nick, then the player has the ability to just start a new account and go to his owl server. To continue to be increasing and limp in the game. It is for this reason that administrators impose such a punishment on the ip-address to deprive players of such an opportunity. After that, the player will not save the creation of a new nick.
The unlocking method in the case of such a ban looks like this:
- Come on the console and in the command prompt, prescribe the following command - Pardon-IP.
- The next step is to enter your ip-address (instead of in any way, as in the previous player unlocking method).
- Everything is quite simple, although the problem from the very beginning it seemed much more difficult than the previous one.
There is one more option unlocking a player's bath in minecraft:
- In the event that for any reason you did not come up above the described unlock method, then prepare a little "rush" in server files.
- It immediately becomes clear that this method takes place only if the user has access to this kind of files. Most often, the chief administrator of the same server creator has such an opportunity.
- The user to achieve the goal will be needed by a couple of files - banned-IPS and TXT - Banned-Player.
- In the following files there is a list where the names of the banned players are indicated and, of course, punished ip-addresses.
- The only thing you need to do is finally - open the file you are interested in and finding a nickname that you need to unlock (or ip-address). You can do this with a special text editor.
Such unlocking methods should know each player who "lucky enough to become banned administrators.