How to make a lighthouse in minecraft

How to make a lighthouse in minecraft

When your level in the game reaches heights, there will be a good armor and a lot of diamonds in your arsenal, then you will be ready to create such a block like a lighthouse. Having installed it near your home, you can get useful bonuses at any time. Also, the block gives a very beautiful ray of light, which reaches the ceiling itself in the game. So, if you decide to create a lighthouse - this instruction for you.

How to make a lighthouse in minecraft - what will be required

For craft you will need:

  • five blocks of glass,
  • three Obsidian Block,
  • star of the Lower World.

  • Glass is obtained when burning sand in the furnace, it is possible to find it on any coast and quickly assemble with a shovel.
  • Obsidian is in the mines, in the locations of the Lava and Water Merge. This is a block of dark - purple, and it is possible to collect it only with the help of diamond kirk.
  • From the star of the lower world, everything is much more complicated - it falls when the drainage of the desiccant. This is the Boss of the Lower World, you will have to collect a few friends with good armor and weapons, just together you fight it. One stale of the lower world falls from one desireer.

When all items are assembled, proceed to the next step.

Kraft lighthouse in minecraft

  • Place all the ingredients in the workbench inventory window, as shown in the screenshot below. Drag the resulting lighthouse block with the left mouse button into your inventory. Now the lighthouse is created, it remains correctly located to get useful effects.

Lighthouse location in minecraft

So that the lighthouse is activated, you need to build a pyramid from the following blocks: diamond, emerald, gold, iron. You can combine blocks at your discretion or build the entire pyramid from one material. From the size of the pyramid, the power and range of effects that the lighthouse imposes.

Examples of the pyramids:

The biggest pyramid will give you the greatest set of effects. It will make four blocks in a height without taking into account the beacon itself, nine blocks in length on the lower layer, seven on the second, five on the third and, accordingly, three blocks at the last level.

The lighthouse will give you one of the effects:

  • Resistance. Reduces the damage resulting by the player.
  • Rush. Your character destroys the blocks faster and more often can strike.
  • Powerful jump. You get the ability to jump above, jump over the fences. When improving the skill, the height of the jump increases even more.
  • Speed. The player moves faster.
  • Force. The character inflicts elevated damage.

If you have built the biggest pyramid, then additionally, the regeneration effect is superimposed on the player.
To select the effect, click on the lighthouse right-click. In the window that appears, you need to put a diamond for activation. Then select the desired effect.

Please note if you play in a denselylaned server, the lighthouse light will attract many other players to themselves, and not all of them will be friendly, because your pyramid is made of valuable blocks. Take care of a high and reliable fence, do not forget about armor and weapons even being in your gaming house.

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