How to make a ladder in minecraft

How to make a ladder in minecraft

The ladder in minecraft is a useful product from blocks that allows the character to move up, down and not only. You can even make it naked hands, but faster follow the instructions below.

How to create a staircase in minecraft?

For a strong and reliable assistant, which will help overcome any vertical distances, we will need to collect seven sticks. They need to be placed on the workbench three on each side and one in the middle to get the finished product. In the latest Minecraft versions from seven sticks, it will be possible to scream with as many as three stairs. You can speed up the process if you equip the ax. You will easily accomplish the stick:

  • connecting two any boards on the workshop;
  • having found them in a bonus chest with a big chance (drops from one to three);
  • sticks will drop out of the destroyed bushes or mounted witch monsters;
  • either from garbage that is leaning in the fishing process.

How to get a staircase in minecraft in another way?

Many things in minecraft are created by the method of natural generation, that is, they are produced by the game itself in a certain amount on the specified locations. If you do not want to craft, or you often travel by measurements, try finding the necessary items in such places:

  • libraries of the fortress;
  • cities of the edge;
  • villages;
  • needle (between floors, starting with version 1.9).

Features of using the ladder in minecraft

Some properties of the finished staircase can be unknown for a new player. The subject is easy to attach to any block, the direction depends on this in which the character will be able to move along the stairs. Here are other useful facts about the use of the stairs:

  • to stop, moving on the subject, press the Shift button;
  • since the water does not pass through the staircase, using it easy to make the air sleeve;
  • use stairs in mines to quickly go upstairs;
  • when the character stands on the stairs, the blocks are destroyed twice as slower;
  • the stairs fold in the stack of 64 pieces;
  • the staircase put on the smooth block occupies one of his side and is not afraid of lava;
  • the subject can not be put on the blocks of glass, ice, leaves, luminous rocks;
  • monsters also know how to climb stairs, be careful;
  • falling from the stairs, you will get less damage than usual (softens the fall).

Simple, but not always an obvious way to get a staircase - ask her from a friend or unfamiliar player. Mod "Ladders" adds a new and more attractive look.

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