How to make the door to minecraft

How to make the door to minecraft

No construction in the game Minecraft can do without doors, as a last resort, the hatch. Your home surrounds a lot of zombies and cries, pass through the door they, of course, will not be able to. In addition, the enemy players will not be able to plunder your chests, as the private territory applies to the door.

How to make wooden doors in minecraft

For the crafting doors there are six wood breeds, each of them will give you a different appearance of the mechanism. Follow the instructions to make the door from the tree:

  • collect multiple wood blocks, you will need six blocks of boards for the craft,
  • create boards: drag to the player's creation inventory Your wood blocks and the left mouse button drag the resulting boards,

  • now go to the workbenk,
  • in the inventory of the workbench, place six blocks of boards in two vertical columns, as shown in the screenshot below,

  • drag into the lower door survival inventory. Please note that the result is three units of doors. Take the door to the hand and set between two solid blocks with the right mouse button. You can open and close it by clicking the left mouse button. See how all sorts of doors look like. Right left: Door of tropical wood, from acacia, from dark oak,

  • on the right left: the door of oak wood, birch, fir door. Choose the one that you like more, collect the desired tree and make the boards from it. Next, repeat the steps covered.

How to make an iron door in minecraft

The peculiarity of this door is that she is the richest and without Kirk players will not break it. It is also a fully automatic door. It is impossible to open it with a click, for opening and closing, you need to put a special pressure hob.

  • To make the iron door, you will need six iron blocks, which is quite a lot, because you will need nine iron ingots. Place the iron blocks as in the screenshot.

  • Take the door and set between two solid blocks. So that you have the opportunity to open and close the mechanism, place the iron pressure plate and in front of the door, and behind.

Now your home is reliably protected from foreign players and cries. Please note that putting the door near the glass will not work.

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