How to make a chest in minecraft

How to make a chest in minecraft

In travels on pixel expanses, you can not do without a couple of chests in inventory, whether the treasures in the mine, dangerous adventures in the lower world or just search for livestock on land. Today we will learn to make this necessary subject step by step.

How to make a chest in minecraft - creating boards

For the chest, you need boards, and better a lot of boards. Make them simple:

  • share wood
  • place it in the crafting field in your inventory,
  • the boards will appear to the right, simply drag it to the inventory.

How to make a chest in minecraft

  • Go to the workbench and place the boards on it as follows:

  • Take the chest and drag to the lowest panel, so you can put it in hand.
  • Find a suitable place for the chest and right-click.
  • The chest is supplied!

  • To open it, use the right mouse button. Inventory The chest contains twenty seven cells. But there is a small trick to increase its volume: Put the second same chest, and you will receive a chest of two compartments for fifty-four cells! This is the maximum chest capacity.

How to remove the miniskraft

You can move it only to break and put in another place. To do this, you will be useful to either Kirka, or any other object, because the chest can be broken absolutely to everyone.

  • enter the center on the chest and hook the left mouse button,
  • you will see how the item began to be covered with dark spots - it is destroyed,

  • continue to beat, but be prepared: Now all the contents will be on Earth,
  • after a couple of seconds, the chest will be broken.

Its block must be chosen as quickly as possible, because on some servers, the items lie on the floor for a fairly short time. Do not forget that you need to take place in the inventory for fallen blocks, otherwise they will disappear and will not be returned.

Each time, gathering in a mine or hike, reserve boards and axes. Even if your character perits, you will be able to hide the treasures in the chest, which will wait for you as a whole and unharmed at any time. Also for chests there is a separate privat for greater reliability of the content.

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789 08/01/2017 at 21:23


789 08/01/2017 at 21:24

It is not possible to register, and the comments send half the following ((((


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