How to make paper minecraft

How to make paper minecraft

For souvenir and aesthetic pleasure, many players want to have a figurine of a favorite character on their desk. But when these heroes from the game Minecraft, everything becomes much easier: you have no need to order the figures to order and pay for them decent amounts, because on the Internet there is plenty of skins. You can print them and collect yourself, as well as share with friends.

How to make a paper minecraft - a block of golden ore

  • All you need: scissors or stationery knife, color printer, glue, plunge. For this experience, we take the spread in good quality, now it will be a block of golden ore.

  • Print the rave.
  • Release the work surface for yourself.

  • Carefully cut the model on the black contour.
  • If in the process you inadvertently broke the edge of the part, you can always print a new sheet or carefully remove spoiled.

  • At the resulting expandment, sew all black corners, help yourself with a thin line.

  • Now pay attention to the letters of white.
  • Glue the model so that the letter W was glued to the letter W, U to U and so on.
  • Let them dry your paper block.
  • Model is ready. By this principle you can make any character, any block or skin from the Minecraft game with paper or fine cardboard.

How to make a paper minecraft skin character

  • Racing of the usual skin looks like this:

  • The head and the character's body will be voluminous, the stand in the form of a cobblestone too. Sword, Kirk, as in the game, it turns out flat.
  • The resulting divorce glove, like a ore unit, and let it dry well.

How to make a paper minecraft - the secret of finding the expandment

Any skin from the game can be obtained in the root folder of the game or on servers with miniskraft forums, and from it already make your own distributor for the model. Fortunately, many players have been taken care of this for a long time and shared their embodied on the Internet. To view them, enter the search query: Minecraft Papercraft, and you will see almost all blocks and facilities from the game on paper. Do not forget that for a beautiful model of VVAM, you need an explosion of good quality and bright colors. For greater effect, increase the saturation and contrast of the image in any graphic editor.

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