How to see from someone else's car

How to see from someone else's car

The discharged battery needs a feedback, and here it is rare to do without admiration. But how to start your car and not harm a responsive car owner? Observing a strict sequence of actions, solving the problem in five minutes.

First you need to find someone who agrees to help. Because of the ignorance of cursing techniques, many drivers refuse, being confident that they will plant their batteries or will spoil him at all. The breakdown is really possible, but only if the batteries with different voltages are connected. So, benevolently appeal to the neighborings in the parking lot and refine the voltage of someone else's battery.

Give the wire for cigarette. They must be good, sufficient length, with a wide cross section. Metal clamps are fixed at the ends of special wires.

Parking cars "face to face" at the as close distance. In this case, the body should not come into contact. Wasting motors and turn off all current consumers. Open hoods. Remove the minus terminal with a car that needs recharging so that it does not absorb all energy from the donor battery.

Connect the red wire to the "plus" of the discharged battery. Then the other end of this wire is to the "plus" of the donor car. One clamp of the black wire is placed on a minus terminal of a charged battery, the second - on the motor of the stitching machine, but in the distance from the battery, the fuel line and moving parts of the motor. At this point, a spark may appear, but it is not dangerous.

We bring someone else's car, we are waiting for 5-10 minutes, then we start your own. After another 3 minutes, turn off the ignition of the donor and gently disconnect the wires. It is necessary to do this in the reverse order, that is, first "minuses", then "pluses".

Due to this resuscitation, the motor should work well and easily deliver its owner to the end point of the route. If, after the manipulations conducted, the starter does not start the engine, you need to take additional measures or cause qualified automaster.

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