How to wear lenses

How to wear lenses

People who have long used contact lenses, put them on the machine every morning. It is much more difficult for those who only got acquainted with this type of optics: a soft convex plate is stubbornly glued or sticks to the finger. Familiar situation? Do not be discouraged - the skill will come with time. Well, we offer you a detailed master class, which will make your relationship with contact optics as comfortable as possible.

How to wear lenses - take care of purity

If you plan to use the lenses regularly, remember the main rule: cleanliness above all! Before you wear or remove the lens, your hands need to be thoroughly wash with soap.

Pay attention to the detergent: well, if it will have a neutral smell and color. Synthetic additives of a very fragrant and bright soap will remain in your hands and will certainly fall on the surface of the contact lens, which will significantly reduce the service life declared by the manufacturer. In addition, clean hands will remove your eyes from the development of the inflammatory process (for example, from conjunctivitis).

Not trouble, if there was no soap at hand. It can be safely replaced by such hygienic tools as hypoallergenic napkins for hands or antibacterial alcohol spray for hands.

How to wear lenses - I remove the lens from the container

It is absolutely not fundamentally, on which eye to wear the lens in the first place. Start with the one that you are more convenient.

Pay attention to the labeling of the container lids: the lens in the cell with the letter l is designed for the left eye, the lens in the cell with the letter R - for the right, and in any way differently! Why not put on the lenses of Naobum? First, the microflora of each eye is individual and doctors do not recommend violating this balance, otherwise the development of ophthalmic diseases cannot be avoided. Secondly, the degree of violation of vision in the left and right eye can be different, so each lens was chosen by a specialist, taking into account this feature, and the irresponsible use of soft optics can cause even greater harm.

Smooth movement twist the cap from the container. In no case do not use fingers or nails to extract the lens - so you quickly damage the soft plate. For this purpose, there are special plastic tweezers with silicone nozzles at the tips.

How to wear lenses - inspect the lens

With the help of a tweezers, grab the transparent record for the edges, remove it from the container and gently lower the hardened finger of the working hand on the pad (some right-handers are more convenient to wear and remove the lenses with your left hand and vice versa).

Whenever put on the lens, look at it:

  • make sure that the lens is not turned inside out. Lens, located correctly, looks like a glance with smooth, directed up the edges. The lens located in the opposite side resembles a plate with curved outwards with flat edges;
  • check the integrity of the lenses - scratches, ruptures on the edges, wrinkled areas make it unsuitable for wearing;
  • evaluate the purity of the lenses - the slightest Village can seriously injure the gentle mucous eye.

How to wear lenses - we place a lens in the eye

First of all, do not rush and very carefully:

  • sit at the table so that in the case of Fiasco did not have to look for a lens on the floor, put a comfortable mirror in front of you;
  • put the lens on the pillow of the index finger of the working hand, the middle finger of the same hand gently pull down the lower eyelid. At the same time, the other hands are slightly moving away the top eyelids;
  • look up, place the lens just below the pupil line and carefully remove your arms from the face. With the reflex closure of the age, it will take place laid it. To make a lens more comfortably, you can easily massate your eyes in the index finger through the closed eyelid or blinking several times.

Using the same algorithm, put on the lens on another eye.

Comments leave a comment
Irina 18/02/2020 at 16:13

Proper to wear lenses will teach the doctor, not a friend or mother, but the doctor. Therefore, if you have such a question, then go to a specialist.

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Raya 24/02/2020 at 1:02.

I once showed a doctor how to wear lenses and then I myself. At first, slowly, then the speed came and now I do not even notice even, we dress in a second. I wear contact lenses Bausch + Lomb ultra, for me it is the perfect lenses! Sit down well on the eyes, in general, you do not feel them in the current day.

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Pauline 08/05/2021 at 17:45

I, too, the doctor showed how to wear lenses, but nevertheless I injured the cornea in the first days ...

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