How to use email

How to use email

Currently, life without e-mail imposes a lot of restrictions on the user, because this is a convenient way to share files and messages, quickly register on any resources and store important information. You can give your preference to any domain that will be listed in this article: their interface is very similar and intuitively understood for new users. Even if the names of some functions and tabs differ, you can understand that they contain. To stay in touch always, download your email mobile application to your phone via the Play Market or App Store. After reading this article, you will understand the use of the mailbox.

How to send letters from email

To begin with, it is worth dealing with the main function of the e-mailbox - writing letters. Whatever domain you choose, they are very similar. At the moment, the most popular boxes from:

On the example of Gmail you will see work with email.

  • Entering your account, you will see a small list with sorting letters in any mail: incoming, sent, drafts ... Here you can view all the saved letters and delete them.

To start writing a letter, click on the "Write" button. You can redirect to a new page, a small new window will simply open in Gmail.

  • First, enter the email of the recipient in the first line near the column "to".
  • Then write the topic. This is not necessarily, but in official letters it is better to use.

Now enter the main text of the letter. Note that you can format it with embedded mail. All of them are located below: fatty, italics, font size, lists, quotes. There is everything for the accurate design of your letters.

  • If you need to attach a letter to any document, then refer to the download string that is located even below.
  • You are available for downloading pictures, links, documents and any files from the computer. If the file is too voluminous - it does not matter, first it will boot on Google disc and only then in the letter.
  • Finish sending by clicking on the "Send" button. Now wait for a response from your interlocutor.

How to sort and delete letters in email

  • By choosing any section of your letters, you can remove unnecessary so that they do not spoil the appearance and order in your email.
  • Just click on a small square next to the letter, and then on the basket icon at the top of the screen. The letter will be deleted. So you can do with several letters at a time.
  • Here you can move letters, just marking them as incoming.

Where you can customize the e-mailbox

Each email has a number of its settings so that the user can synchronize the contents of the box, change the password, design and other functions.

  • Click on the gear icon in your mail. A small list will open, in which there is a "Settings" item.

  • Each tab has a set of parameters that can be configured.

  • For example, in the "Accounts and Import" item you will find the main settings: Change password, binding accounts and phone number.
  • Try to find such settings and in your email.

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