How to send video by email

How to send video by email

When it took to send to a friend or colleague video file by email, but how to do you do not know - do not despair. Answer you will find in this article in stages and with detailed comments. All mailboxes are very similar to functionality and their options, all examples in this article we will take from Gmail mail. If you are the Yandex email owner, Rambler or Mail.Ru, then all the steps will be approximately the same.

Go to your email box and find the "Write" or "write a letter" field. Click it in order to start attaching video to the message.

You will appear a text message set window. At the bottom you will find a set of special icons. Among them, find the small clip and click on it once the left mouse button.

Now, using folders navigating in the left side of the window, find the directory you need, and then click on the desired video once. Click "Send". After that, your video will be successfully loaded and, by clicking "send", transferred to the recipient. Please note the file weight should not exceed 250 MB. Nowadays, video files with such a small volume are extremely rare, therefore, in the following steps, it will be shown how to download a voluminous video exceeding this threshold.

Do not close the sending window in the mailbox. In the second browser tab, open Google disk and click "Go to Google Disk".

All files that early you have already downloaded to your google disk will appear on the screen. Now you need to upload your video here. On the left side, locate the "Create" button, click on it.

In the drop-down list click on the "Upload Files" field.

Select your video in the folder directory again. Click Open.

Loading will be displayed in the lower right corner in the small white window. Wait for her end.

As soon as this message appears from the bottom - click on the name of the file in it.

You will open a downloaded video. You need to open access to it to other users. To do this, find three vertical points in the upper right corner - this is a video file menu, click on them. Select the first line "Open access".

In the new small window you need the top right line - gray font it reads "Open access to the link". Click on it.

Immediately a ready-made link of your video will appear, copy it to the clipboard by simultaneously pressing Ctrl + C and click "Finish."

Return to the mailbox window and select the triangle icon at the bottom. Under it will be signed "Insert links to files in Google disk.

Insert your link to the video simultaneously pressing Ctrl + V. Either select video from the list below. You can also simply insert a link to the menu text message input window, but the method shown in this point will make the feed much more beautiful and more convenient.

For clarity of instructions, see the video on how to insert video in email, on the example of Yandex:

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