The most common way of repair ceiling - Painting. It would seem, nothing is simple? However, even here have its own secrets and nuances. On the perfect ceiling is not visible and stains. In this article we will tell how to paint the ceiling without divorce with different types of paints.
How to paint the ceiling without divorce latex paint
Water-dispersive Acrylic paints are designed to obtain an exclusively matte surface. But latex paints are also and glossy. You can learn about the texture by looking at the figures indicated on the coloring agent. Example: samtex3 is a matte paint, and samtex20 - silky-glossy on latex basis.
Preparation of the ceiling
The preparatory process is reduced to the fact that it is necessary to clean with a spatula raids And all the detached pieces of plaster. If at least some part of the ceiling is amazed by fungus, then it will have to process Antiseptic primer I. penetrating primer. Do it need a brush - so you process All potholes. Everything defects Calculate with the help of acrylic putty. We recommend using a wide spatula - it will allow you to get the most smooth ceiling. Stick up the irregularities after drying the putty and re procession.
For painting the ceiling Use a long pile roller. The layers should be applied perpendicular to each other (the last layer is directed from the window). It should be done in one reception, otherwise the slightest irregularities will be viewed on the borders of the filled plots. Roller rolling on painted Tray and piece of cardboard.
paint How to paint the ceiling without divorce water-level
Use it is recommended a water-free paint, on the label of which written "For ceiling overlap." It does not eat, it is well distributed over the surface and perfectly sticks.
Preparation of the ceiling
First you will have to get rid of old paint or bliss. The first is easily removed by a thin spatula and solvent, and the second is water with soap and a soft sponge. If on the ceiling available Seams, they also need to be cleaned from the old plaster. Purified surface need progress Soft roller in 1 layer. Watch the ceiling. You must create a perfectly smooth surface.
Are you going to paint only the ceiling? Then do not forget to take the walls and the floor of the film. To find out at what temperature and how to apply paint, read recommendations manufacturer. To paint as much as possible to lay on the surface, treat it with primer. Note, to achieve the greatest efficiency, buy primer and paint the same brand. Clean and even ceiling can be primed in 1 layer, otherwise - 2 layers. To start, paint all dark places, so they will not manifest after a common painting.
How to paint the ceiling without splitting acrylic paint
For excellent results you will have to thoroughly prepare surface (identically the above ways) and stock patience.
Initially, the paint solution is divorced by water, which is necessary for applying the first layer. This layer show All you defects Overlapping. You will see what fragments will have to pay special attention.
After drying the first layer, not diluted paint is poured into the bath. After that, rolled on the ceiling to remove the emulsion. On the roller you should recruit such a number of solution so that it does not form a thick coating and left the drops.
Tips of professionals - paint any ceiling without divorce
- The ceiling is painted in 1 layer of fish, diluted with water. So you will see the most problematic areas.
- We apply the first layer of non-diluted paint with a roller or brush towards the walls to the center of the ceiling. Front page situated As close as possible to the wall, and each subsequent slightly superimposes on the previous one. The size of the strip must be as follows: 50 cm wide and 100 cm in length.
- Observe the right direction. The penultimate layer is sent perpendicular to the window, but the last parallel. To apply the last layer, use a new roller with the middle vors long.
- So that there are no divorces on the ceiling, take pauses between each layer and expect to completely dry the previous layer. Otherwise, the paint will become dim, and the surface will not be smooth.
Try not to hurry. It is better to spend more time on painting than then correct your mistakes. In addition, not every error can be painted. Make it all better immediately, then not to redo everything again.