How to grow a beard if it does not grow

How to grow a beard if it does not grow

Many men dream of a thick, luxurious beard or stylish mustache. For some it remains only a dream. It is rather unpleasant when the hair growing on his face has ourselves or spotted areas. Even if all your ancestors had thick beards, it does not guarantee that your hair will grow without problems. There are several ways to help stimulate natural hair growth. Remember that the vegetation on the face will not appear in one night. Now let's talk that favorably affects hair growth.

How to grow a beard if it does not grow - exercise

Gymnastics and weight loss increase testosterone and blood circulation, which both have a huge effect on hair growth on face. Short, but intensive workouts will provoke testosterone growth and prevent its decline. Change your habits. Organize weekly basketball games or football with friends. Find ways to move more during the day. For example, try driving on the elevator to replace the climb on the stairs. To become a beard owner, you often go to the gym.

How to grow a beard if it does not grow - food

Healthy and well-balanced diet is the key to hair growth. Vitamin, protein and mineral diets will stimulate the rapid growth of vegetation on the face.

How to grow a beard if it does not grow - a good sleep

To increase the level of testosterone in the body, your body just should sleep. Sleep helps the body to restore testosterone. Be sure to plan your schedule so that you give your body enough time to relax. In other words, to stimulate hair growth, you need to get enough sleep well.

How to grow a beard if it does not grow - minimizing stress and anxiety

Stress narrows blood vessels and adversely affects testosterone levels. Due to unnecessary alarms and experiences, you can not only lose the grown hair, but it can also be the cause of their complete absence. There are several methods that can be used to reduce stress. Try to talk with a friend or family member if you feel some kind of trouble. Making a somewhat deep breath during a stressful situation, you calm heart rhythm and clean your mind.

How to grow a beard if it does not grow - Vitamins

Taking additives such as iron, vitamin B, D and E, magnesium, zinc and copper can be achieved by hair thickness. Enter vitamin E into diet, which can increase blood flow, which will lead to the optimal hair growth medium.

How to grow a beard if it does not grow - oil

Special beard oil feeds both hair and face skin. It contains healing moisturizing properties. Experts recommend applying oil after morning soul. Your pores will be clean and better absorbed the product. Just apply a small amount of oil on your hand and rub it into face and beard. There are many different brands of such a product, so try to find your own.

How to grow a beard if it does not grow - skin care

Your skin has many important features. It is she who is responsible for hair growth, so learn to care for her. Follicles of hair can be simply blocked by mud. Gentle massage can help stimulate hair follicles. Use finger tips and make smooth circular movements, while the skin moisture the cream. Use shampoos, lotions with a complex of vitamins in hair care.

How to grow a beard if it does not grow - do not dwell on the problem

Remember that the face on the face grows slowly. Constantly worrying about the lack of beard, you involuntarily worsen your situation. Try to focus on other pleasant things.

How to grow a beard if it does not grow - medical care

If all of the listed tips did not help you, you can take treatment with testosterone - male sex hormone or visit the plastic surgeon, which will translate the hair follicles from the head on the face. Hair transplantation can be very efficient, but it is an expensive procedure.

Remember that your problem with the lack of beard is not easy to solve, you need time and patience, as well as faith in success.

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