How to open champagne

How to open champagne

You have a holiday and do you want to please guests with sparkling wine or champagne? In order for the taste of the drink not to deteriorate, you need to know how to open champagne.

Do not make a plug very loudly. Therefore, before serving, the container must be held in the refrigerator. Do not overcool the drink, this can adversely affect its taste. It is enough for sparkling wine to stand on the lower shelf of the refrigerator for two hours.

How to open champagne

Wrap the neck with a napkin, this will prevent slipping during opening. Now remove the foil and excise brand. Gently remove the wire. With smooth rotating movements, remove the cork. As a result, a weak cotton should be heard. In this case, the liquid should not flow out of the container. The opening of champagne without cotton will keep the taste of the drink.

How to open champagne

Want to attract the attention of guests and make the situation on a real festive? Then open champagne with cotton. This option is suitable for weddings. Shake the bottle, but do not overdo it, since half of the drink can result in a container with foam. Carefully turn the container down with the neck, and then to the starting position.

How to open champagne

There is another way with which you can open champagne. This option is suitable for experienced lovers of a sparkling drink. To do this, remove the foil and paper. Be sure to remove the label from the neck. This can be done with a knife. Cool the drink. Take the bottle in the left hand, holding it out of the bottom. Now remove the wire. Do not touch the cork. Holding the container, take a large kitchen knife with a wide blade. Direct the knife with a sharp blade to yourself. Put the knife on the neck. Find the seam and try to spend several times with a knife at the seam. Now sharply hit the neck with a knife, sliding with a blade on it. No need to beat with a knife, directing it perpendicular to the bottle. The knife should be parallel to the neck.

How to open champagne

You will need to open 5-6 bottles to master the “hussar” technique of opening champagne. Keep in mind that the blow should be accurate and strong, then the cork will fly off the bottle with part of the neck. During the opening, move away from the guests and do not direct the bottle in their direction. At the first opening, the container may split, and guests can cut.

How to open champagne

If you have a bachelorette party and there are no experienced champagne enthusiasts among the invited, you can resort to the “female method”. To do this, remove the wire and label from the bottle. Click the container with your knees sitting on a chair. Set the bottle so that an angle of 45 degrees forms between the floor and the neck. Throw a towel on the cork and rotate it with rotating movements. So that there is no cotton, cool the drink. If you feel that the pressure inside the container is very high, then attach a cold spoon to the neck, this will slightly reduce the pressure. This method is suitable for opening cheap drinks with plastic traffic jams.

How to open champagne

If you can’t open a drink, in no case do not use a corkscrew. A cork can fly into your eye with a corkscrew. Always deflect the bottle from yourself so that the liquid does not touch the cork. Having trained a little, you can very deftly open the bottles of champagne and amaze guests in a “hussar way”.

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