Whatever principles, but life dictates their rules, and the use of alcoholic beverages is the necessary attribute of everyday communication. You can, of course, go into deaf protection, but such a person will look like a white crow, and it harms a business relationship. Not in vain say that managers of firms work not only head, but also liver. After all, often communication with partners does not occur in offices, but in an informal setting - say, on the buffets. But this does not mean at all that it is necessary to drink a lot, the opposite is. We want to tell you how to drink, not drunk, without losing control over themselves and not tormented by a hangover after a feast.
To the feast where you want to keep a clear mind and solid memory, you need to be prepared in advance. You can use the most simple people. Before a feast in a couple of hours, accept 150 grams of vodka and after a while, eat well. The body will get used to alcohol. You can use the alcohol to eat an oil sandwich or drink a raw egg. But this method is suitable only to pull the action of alcohol, and then the fatty film, enveloping the stomach, is destroyed, and all drunk alcohol will be absorbed quickly. Equality products help very well. Drinking a couple of cups of kefir before a feast, you can not get drunk for a long time.
You can achieve the same result with the help of medical drugs. For an hour before a feast, accept activated carbon. Calculate the norm: for ten kilograms of weight you need to take one pill. You can take two tablets aspirin and put water, using at least half liters. In fifteen minutes, eat a small lemon and write it with a strong coffee with a fried bread. You can try to find a tincture of Eleewrarical grass in the pharmacy. This is an interesting remedy, it is enough to drink twenty droplets of the tincture before using alcohol - and intoxication will almost not be.
But this is all outside interference. You need to learn how to drink. If you drink a chilled drink, rather drunken. Do not interfere with different drinks, drink one thing, but if you still mix - it is recommended to increase the degree, but not lower. Never wash down with strong drink soda, beer and champagne. Alcohol with carbon dioxide absorbed by the much faster. Do not drink in the stuffy little ventilated rooms, in the presence of fresh air intoxication is slower and runs much smoother.
If intoxication nevertheless took place, you must first clean the stomach, and then drink activated charcoal tablets, they will help to bring the harmful substances from the body. Next, take a contrast shower, not bad rinse with cold water. Then we need to drink strong green tea. You can try a psychological method of sobering. When severe intoxication, then he closed his eyes, his head starts spinning. In this case, concentrate and try to imagine what the head is turned in another direction. Exercise, do a few times.
In addition, you can use any submission move, the pain will help to overcome drunkenness.