How to whiten nails

How to whiten nails

The reasons for a bad look of the nails exists an absolute set: tobacco smoke, work with paints, non-compliance with the rules of manicure, chemical effect, ultraviolet rays. You can talk about it for a long time, but the main topic for discussion will be how to fix the situation after the influence of negative factors and finally finally the healthy appearance of your nails. In some cases, during the course of the disease, it will be possible to return former beauty only with drug treatment. But mostly, with external impact, folk remedies and various cosmetic products are fully applicable.

How to whiten nails sea salt

For the preparation of the solution, it will take 300 ml of warm water, 1 tbsp. Sea salt. Carefully stir up to dissolve and lower your fingertips for 15 minutes. Properly alternate this procedure with essential oils or softening creams. For example, one day salt, on the second essential oil, and so for 2 weeks.

How to whiten nails with essential oils

  • On a piece of clean suede, put a little essential oil of mandarin or pines, polish each marigold. It penetrates deeply, cleans, moreover, saturates the aroma and improves the mood.
  • Lemon, grapefruit, geranium, rosemary additionally heal the cuticle and improve natural shine.
  • Baths with essential oils: 200 g of warm water pour 3 drops of selected oil and leave hands for 20 minutes.
  • Compresses: 10 g of water to mix with 1 tsp of the base oil and 5 drops of ethereal. Wrap your fingers into the napkin, soaked in composition and wrap in a warm towel for 10 minutes.

How to whiten the nails of hydrogen peroxide

Suitable option for injured skin, with rays and abrasions. 1 tbsp. Hydrogen peroxide is poured into a container with warm water. To speed up the effect, you can add 1 tsp. soda. Stir the components and lower your fingers for 20 minutes., Not more than 1 time per week for sensitive skin, in other cases 2 times.

How to whiten nails herbs

The infusion of pharmaceutical chamomile soothes and whitens. In 300 g of boiling water, pour 1 tsp. Chamomile flowers and leave under the lid for 15 minutes. Cool and lower your fingers for 20 minutes. Used in a complex with other ways. Clamps and perfectly regenerates.

How to whiten the nails with a cosmetic pencil

A bleaching pencil helps to clarify the inner edges of the nails during the application of manicure, and is suitable for daily use. It contains chalk and white clay. Regularity gives good results. It is enough to apply it without fear of damage.

How to whiten nails toothpaste

Suitable toothpaste with mint or fluorine. On a toothbrush with a soft bristle to apply a component for 1 min. for each nail. Do not leave on the surface, immediately wash off, hands moisturize with a special cream-milk, for example, with a banana extract, which also contributes to color clarification.

How to whiten the nails to the economic soap

Ordinary economic soap unambiguously underestimate. Strengthens the nails, and most importantly, the effect is visible after the first session. A slightly twisted bar thoroughly wash your fingers so that the nails are in the mucus. Leave for 30 minutes, then wash off with water and dry hands well. The final stage is to continue softening cream. The option is not suitable for sensitive skin, since alkaline soap.

How to whiten nails lemon

  • In this way, we use if there are no microcracks in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cuticle, where the acid falls. It is necessary to take the half of the lemon and put the nails into the flesh. Hold each hand for 5-10 minutes. At the end, wash the nutritious, cleaning soap with birch chaga extract, lavender or sea buckthorn with lime.
  • Bakery powder 1 tbsp. Mix from 1 tbsp. Lemon juice. Blur in each nail and lubricate with cream.

As can be seen, everything is very simple, you should only be lazy and look into the store for the desired products, and then the problem decides the following instruction. It would seem that components such as citric acid, chamomile and cream are not able to restore the yellowed nails. But the practice has already proves a long period of time that everything is possible. Do not part with your nails, without trusting all the ways! But only when they are safe!

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