How to issue a child's birth certificate

How to issue a child's birth certificate

A newborn child to become a citizen of his country must have a birth certificate. To make this document, parents do not have to spend a lot of time and effort. Everything is done completely simply, and what we will tell about in this article.

The procedure for obtaining a child's birth certificate

For many years, a diagram of obtaining a child's birth certificate does not change, only changes are exposed to appearance. As before, the blanks are made on the stamp paper, and this document is simply impossible to fake. By law, the evidence must be issued within a month after the birth of the baby. However, for violation of this law there is no punishment. And this means that it is possible to receive a certificate for the first fourteen years of the child, but, of course, it's not worth a delaying with it, so there will be problems with the design of a kindergarten and school, travel to other countries and so on.

In the birth certificate can prescribe the names of both parents, but also one of them. When it receives it, the mother and dad must be present, one of them is enough. If the parents of the child are not married, then in the interests of the Father attended when the certificate is issued, because the collapse of the father will be filled exclusively from the words of the mother, it can even stand a dock.

As a result, we want to note that if you have a baby born, then you should not tighten with the certificate of your birth, because this document must have every citizen of our country.

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