How to clean the toilet?

How to clean the toilet?

With such a question, there is absolutely every mistress. After all, the dressing room in any house should be preserved in perfect cleanliness. The toilet must be treated with an antibacterial agent daily. After all, an unpleasant smell appears from the dirty toilet, to bring it hard. In our article you will find effective ways to quickly clean the toilet.

Folk detergent toilet

Folk remedies come to the rescue under any circumstances, including during cleaning. If you are a supporter of safe funds, then folk recipes will be accustomed to you. They can be used if family members have asthma, allergic to chemicals either in the house there are children or animals.

  • 1 recipe - 5 tbsp. Soda mix with liquid soap (also soap can be grate on the grater), add 1 tbsp. Salts of large grinding, mix well, with the help of a sponge tool and leave for 30 minutes.
  • 2 recipe - half a bottle of table vinegar pour into the toilet, not to wash off 3 hours;
  • 3 recipe - 5 tbsp. Soda mix with 2 tbsp. Dry mustard, add a few drops of water before the formation of the casis, carefully rub the toilet (special attention to pay pollution) and leave for 1 hour, wash off with water;
  • 4 Recipe - 1 Clamp of citric acid to connect from 4 tbsp. Salts, sprinkle a toilet mixture, to remove with a moal sponge with a moal sponge;
  • 5 recipe - 1.5 liters of Coca-Cola pour into the toilet and not to wash off 4 hours (judging by numerous positive feedback remedies rather effective);
  • 6 recipe - 8 tbsp
  • 7 Recipe - cut the lemon to the middle size loss, rub the toilet (especially attention to the places where there is a rust);
  • 8 recipe - in 1.5 liters. Mineral water add 1 patch of citric acid, carefully shake and pour into the toilet, not to wash off 2 hours;
  • 9 Recipe - If it is necessary that the toilet brings the previous white-white color, then hydrogen peroxide comes to the rescue. Watch tampon moisten in a solution, wipe the toilet, after 20 minutes, fall asleep soda and carefully treat the toilet to the brush;
  • 10 recipe - the usual whitening toothpaste will become an excellent means to remove the fly in the toilet;
  • 11 Recipe - Melamine Sponge will help not only remove pollution, but also returns the initial type of toilet;
  • 12 recipe - mix 3 tbsp. Food soda with 3 tbsp. soda calcimated, add a couple of droplets of liquid soap, obtained with a mixture to grasp the toilet and leave for 30 minutes;
  • 13 Recipe - vinegar mix with soda, add a few drops of lemon essential oil, from the sprayer to handle the toilet bowl and wipe dry (not to wash it off!).

Effective chemicals

In the household chemicals store on the shelves there are a huge amount of cleaning powders, antibacterial gels and toilets for toilet. The pricing policy on them is completely different, but not always an expensive means will have the desired effect. Among the hosts are in great demand:

  • Domasestos;
  • Mr. Muscul for toilet bowl;
  • Silit;
  • Sanoks;
  • White;
  • Toilet duckling;
  • Comet;
  • Sarma;
  • Sanfor;
  • Sanita.

All these funds have hundreds of positive feedback. But before their application, you need to get acquainted with the instructions.

Precautionary measures

The cleaning of the cleaning of the toilet is not the most pleasant, but very necessary. If you decide to use or chemicals or folk recipes, read the precautionary measure:

  • be sure to wear rubber gloves;
  • sponges that were treated to the toilet, be sure to throw away;
  • if possible, use the antique respirator;
  • precisely count proportions;
  • water that you wash the tool must be cool;
  • be sure to turn on the hoods;
  • after cleaning, wash your hands thoroughly.

If you do not want to wash the toilet yourself, you can contact the cleaning company.

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