Do you think that spoiled a favorite pan? No problem! After all, we know how to clean it without difficulty and the minimum of money. In our article, we will tell how to clean the enameled dishes by home folk methods and effective cleansing agents.
Clean the saucepan inside
Pan is often subjected to similar experiments: fled milk or burned jam. Clear such dishes can be from any car, the main thing is to know the secrets that we are in a hurry to share with you. Before you start cleaning, we advise you to stock with rubber gloves to protect the skin of the hands, and a special soft metal sponge that will facilitate your work.
- 1 Option - Fill 200 ml of water and 200 ml of vinegar in a saucepan, add 5 g of citric acid, put it on fire, bring to a boil, reduce gas and continue to cook for 15 minutes. (time can be increased depending on the pollution of the pan);
- 2 Option - Put the burnt seats of dishes of calcined soda, add 1 lemon juice (you can use concentrate), leave for 20 minutes, the pan thoroughly rinse under running water;
- 3 Option - in a saucepan, type 200 ml of water, add 50 g of the cooking salt, boil the liquid for 40 minutes. on low heat;
- 4 Option - Purified Sand Pleep the burnt plots, carefully rub with a sponge and rinse under running water;
- 5 Option - Sutter the bottom of the dishes of half of the onions or lemon, leave for 20-30 minutes. For the reaction, the smell is eliminating under a waste water with a detergent;
- 6 Option - Place a burnt saucepan in the freezer for 1 hour, get the dishes and rinse it under cold water, the Nagar will last from the wall independently (attention! Do not wash the saucepan in warm or hot water, otherwise, the dishes can be spoiled);
- 7 Option - Fill 0.5 liters of Coca-Cola in a saucepan, leave for 40 minutes., Nagara remnants remove the sponge;
- 8 Option - For the most serious contaminants, use a solution of 200 ml of water, 2 tbsp. Soda, 100 ml whiteness, boil for 30 minutes. On weak fire (during the use of this method, you should work the extractor or leave the window open).
Clean the saucepan outside
Nagar on the outer walls of heat-resistant dishes is removed a little more difficult, as it is necessary to apply manual work here, using foam or metal sponges:
- 1 Option - Prepare Cashitz from 3 tbsp. Food soda, 1 tbsp. Calcinated soda and toothpaste. Apply to contaminated areas with a brush, leave for 20 minutes;
- 2 Option - Ice with a saucepan in a deep pelvis, adding 1 liter of dairy serum for 12 hours;
- 3 Option - With the help of melamine sponge, you can remove even the most difficult nagar;
- 4 Option - to pour out warm coffee thickness to the outer walls of the dishes, withstand 40 min;
- 5 Option - 5 Tablets of activated carbon crowded to the state of the powder, combine with detergent for dishes and apply to the pan, remove residues with a sponge;
- 6 Option - Stitte walls of pan with freshly squeezed apple juice (to achieve maximum effect, you can add 1 tbsp. Food soda);
- 7 Option - Sattail the caring soap bar on a small grater, connect the chips with lemon juice and apply a home product on the dishes;
- 8 Option - If there is no way to soak (for example, it is too voluminous), make gauze compresses with cutlery vinegar into contaminated sections.
Top tools from Nagara
If there is no time for a long soaking pan, then we advise you to resort to special tools for cleaning in Nagara. In addition, they carefully clean the dishes, not scratching and maintaining its original appearance. According to many owners, the best means are:
- aMWAY Cleaner from Nagar (included a special tassel, which is convenient to handle pollution);
- Shumanitis;
- the cleansing agent Faberlik (it is valued for the safe composition and the desired effect);
- Sanita gel (help to remove even old pollution).
During the removal of Nagar, we advise you to perform work carefully, without using aggressive cleaning products, otherwise enamel can be ruined.