How to declare yourself bankrupt

How to declare yourself bankrupt

The client took a loan in the banking department, but for the reasons of the heavy material situation, the loan becomes impossible on the term. The face tries to repay his duty to the bank and again takes money - this is not the right strategy. In this case, it will be much wiser to declare itself with bankrupt, so that the knowledge of the law of the Russian Federation will not prevent borrowers who have not paid their strength.

The bill It is still adjusted for individuals. It speaks about the debtors who occupied more than 50,000 rubles in financial institutions and are not able to repay them for more than three months. If such a person is recognized as insolvent, the court will allow him to gradually pay money with a smaller monthly payment, by extending the term of the loan to 5 years, or can sell equipment from the auction, housing, if there is another real estate from bankrupt. The debtor has the right to apply to the judicial authorities on this issue no more than once in the five-year plan. All judicial services will pay for bankrupt.


For IP, this procedure has been available for a long time (from 1/03/1993). For example, the firm as a result of unprofitability becomes unprofitable. Already six months there is no money for paying a loan taken to the bank. In this case, the owner can turn to higher authorities to recognize himself with bankrupt. There is a requirement - the amount of debt cannot be less than 100,000 rubles.

To appeal to K. femis representatives The reason should be wagged:

  • After repaying the loan there is no finance for taxes;
  • Checking the financial statement confirms that the company - bankrupt;
  • Gains firm considerably lower than the previously dialed loans.

Insolvency, bankruptcy

So, for the march to the court to collect financial papers on the confirmation of insolvency, credit agreement and fill out an application. If you do not pay wages, taxes, loans, you can apply for the staff, and the bank tax.

Download here:

  • A statement declaring the debtor bankrupt,
  • Application for the recognition of the debtor bankrupt - a sample of filling.


Get ready, all your assets will be carefully checked. Approve the manager and the competent commission that the firm opis. The outcome will be as follows: the company will be sold, money will go to debts (salary, taxes, loans), and some of the remaining funds - to pay the work of the Court, Commission and the Manager.

Not always the outcome is so sad, because the creditors are not profitable to ruin enterprises. Most often go on concessions, allow the company to pay loans for less severe conditions. And from the IP requires compliance with all clauses of the court order.

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