How to find the middle of the segment

How to find the middle of the segment

In geometry, you can find the middle of the segment in different ways, as well as to solve such a task, you will need knowledge of formulas.

What is a segment, its length and middle?

  • The segment is called a straight line connecting two arbitrary points. These points are called the sections of the segment. The length of the segment is the distance between the two points, which are depicted on a straight line of the segment.
  • The middle of the segment is an equidistant point from the ends of the segment, which lies in the middle of the segment itself.
  • The middle of the segment must be denoted in this way: | AB |
  • For example. It is necessary to find the middle of the segment where the car is segment, and the middle is equal to C. Then such equality will be true: a \u003d C and B \u003d C. or | AC | \u003d | CB |.

How to find the middle of the segment using the circus?

To find the middle of the segment, you can use a circuit and a ruler. And also need to perform such actions:

  1. Pictulate a segment need length with a ruler.
  2. Next, the end with the needle to put so that the distance between the other end of the circular (with a pencil) is most of the half of the segment.
  3. Watch through a segment of a semicircle.
  4. The same actions are done on the other side of the segment, thereby connecting two parts together.
  5. Now, where the circumference intersects the line perpendicularly.
  6. This distance will be considered a middle of the segment.

Find the middle of the segment with coordinates?

To find the middle of the segment, you need to use the formula: ha + xb / 2.

  • For example. The coordinate direct with such source data is depicted: AB - segment. C is the middle of the segment.
  • So you can make equality:
  • | AC | \u003d | CB |
  • We will give these points the corresponding numbers: XA, XB.
  • We will make two possible equality: XC - Xa \u003d XB - X - Xa \u003d XB -XC, XC - XA \u003d - (XB - XC).
  • From this equality, you can withdraw the formula: ha + xb / 2.
  • This formula will be primary to obtain the middle of the segment in space or on the plane.

Example using this formula:

  • Values \u200b\u200bA (-5.3) and in (2, 4) are given. It is necessary to find av.
  • On the segment we will find it the middle and denote it like S.
  • Further substitute the value under the formula: H + XB / 2.
  • – 5 + 2 / 2 = – 3/2; 3 + 4 / 2 = 7/2.
  • Answer: The middle of the segment is -3/2 and 7/2.
  • How to find the middle of the segment in space

In order to find the middle of the segment in space, the following formula is used:

Xs \u003d ha + xb / 2.

At the same time, it is convenient to use the Falez theorem for faithful equals:

A1 A2 / B1 B2 \u003d A2 A3 / B2 B3 \u003d A1 / A3 / B1 B3.

In fact, finding the middle of the segment is not so difficult if you put the formula correctly. And also a solution to such a task will not take much time.

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