How to find the diameter of the circle

How to find the diameter of the circle

If the task is known for such values \u200b\u200bas the length of the circle, its radius or the area of \u200b\u200bthe circle, which is limited to this circle, then the calculation of the diameter will be uncomplicated. There are several ways to calculate the circle diameter. They are quite simple and not at all cause any difficulties, as many seems at first glance.

How to find a circle diameter - 1 way

When the value of the circle radius is given, then the task is half solved, since the radius is the distance from the point that lies in any place on the circle to the center of this circumference. All that needs to be done to find a diameter in this case is to multiply this radius value by 2. This method of calculation is explained by the fact that the radius is half the diameter. Therefore, if it is known that the radius is equal, the value of half the desired size of the diameter is already found.

How to find a circle diameter - 2 ways

If only the value of the circumference is given in the task, then to find the size of the diameter, it is necessary to simply divide it to the number known as π, the approximate value of which is 3.14. That is, if the length value is 31.4, then dividing it by 3.14, we obtain the value of the diameter that is equal to 10.

How to find a circle diameter - 3 ways

If the source data is given in the area of \u200b\u200bthe circle, the diameter is also simple. All you need to do is remove the square root of this value and divide the result obtained by the number π. This means that if the size of the area is 64, then the number 8 remains when the root is removed. If you split the resulting 8 to 3.14, then we obtain the size of the diameter, which is approximately 2.5.

How to find the diameter of the circle - 4 way

Inside the circle you need to draw using a ruler or salt direct horizontal line from one point to another. Crossing this straight line with a line with a circle letter letters, for example, A and V. It doesn't matter, in which of the parts of the circle this line will be located.

After that, you need to draw two more circumference. But in such a way that points A and in the steel centers. The newly formed figures will intersect at two points. Through them you need to spend another direct line. After that, measure its length using a ruler. The measurement value and will be equal to the length of the diameter, because the latter line is the diameter itself.

Interestingly, it is still very far in the past for weaving baskets of a certain amount of twigs took about 3 times longer. Scientists were explained and proved to be experimentally so that if the length of any circumference is divided into diameter, then the result is almost the same number.

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