How to find perimeter parallelogram

How to find perimeter parallelogram

In the school program, on geometry, you can often meet the tasks in which you need to find the perimeter of the parallelogram. To find it, you need to use only one simple formula.

What is a parallelogram?

  • Pollogram - translated from Greek means parallel.
  • By its structure, parallelograms are a quadrangle, the parties of which are parallel to each other. Two sides of his side shakes. Each of the parties is to each other, that is, the opposite angles are equal. But each of the surrounding parties may differ in size.
  • Basically, the quadrangle is denoted by large capital letters ABCD.
  • Another feature of the parallelogram is the fact that it can be a square, a rectangle or a rhombus.
  • To calculate whether the quadrilateral is a parallelogram, it is necessary to use the rules for finding a parallelogram. One of these rules is the fact that its diagonals intersect and the intersection point are divided in half.
  • It is believed that the total amount of the angles that lie parallel should be 180 ° C, i.e. A + B + C + D \u003d 180 ° C. To calculate, you need to use the rule of parallel straight lines.

What is the parallelogram area?

  • The area of \u200b\u200bthe parallelogram is called a geometric figure, which has a base, height, and the side sides are equal to each other.
  • In order to start calculating the area of \u200b\u200bthe parallelogram you need to know its height, as well as measure the sides.
  • There are special theorems and evidence, with which it is easy to calculate the parallelogram area.

How to find a perimeter parallelogram?

  • To find the total numerical characteristic of the parallelogram, it is necessary to use the formula. This formula may vary, depending on the specified values.
  • To find the perimeter it is necessary to use the main formula: p \u003d 2 * (a + b), where a is the upper side, B is the side side.
  • For example, one of the lateral sides of the parallelogram is 4 cm, and the side B, which perpendicular to it - 6 cm. Calculated the perimeter using the formula: a \u003d 6 cm, B \u003d 4 cm. P \u003d 2 * (6 + 4) \u003d 10 * 2 \u003d 20 cm.
  • So, the perimeter of this parallelogram will be 20 cm.
  • The perimeter value can be measured using a unit of length.
  • The perimeter of the parallelogram is always equal to the double sum of the two sides.

In addition to the perimeter, using the formulas, you can find any value of this geometric shape: height, area, area in the inscribed circle and other necessary parameters.


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