Speed \u200b\u200bis a value that describes the speed of moving the object from point A to the point B. is indicated by the Latin letter V - a reduction from Latin Velocitas - speed. The speed can be found if time is known (T) during which the object and distance (S) moved, which the object overcame.
To calculate the speed, use the path formula: V \u003d S / T. For example, in 12 seconds, the object has advanced by 60 meters, which means its speed was 5 m / s (V \u003d 60/12 \u003d 5).
Use the same measurement units if you compare the speed of two different objects. The main unit of measuring the speed in the international system of units is meters per second or abbreviated m / s. Kilometers per hour, kilometers per second, meters per minute and meters per second are also common. In English-speaking countries, miles are used per second, miles per hour, feet per second and feet per minute.
Remember, the accuracy of determining speed depends on the nature of the movement. More precisely, the path formula helps to find speed with uniform movement - the object overcomes the same distance in equal intervals. However, uniform movement is very rare in the real world. This, for example, the movement of the second arrow in the clock or the rotation of the earth around the sun. In the case of uneven movement, for example, a walk through the city, the path formula helps to find an average speed.
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