How to paint paint eyelashes

How to paint paint eyelashes

Mascara gives expressiveness to female eyes. Not every girl stays time on the morning makeup, but you want to look beautiful. Paint for eyelashes will allow you to forget about the carcasses forever. This procedure is offered beauty salons. We offer to learn how to paint paint eyelashes at home and save precious time and money.

How to paint eyelashes - Collect paint

Do not regret money for high-quality products. When choosing a color, focus on the fact that eyelashes are always dark eyebrows. When choosing a shade, consider your color. Gray and black shades are suitable for the girls of "cold" type, and beauties with a "warm" color. It is recommended to choose a dye from brown shades. There are three varieties of paints:

  • in the form of pasta;
  • crumbling;
  • gel.

The last option is in high demand, the gel is conveniently applied, and the proportions of the paint are observed simply. It contains vitamin oil complexes, which is useful for eyelashes. Do not forget to look at the shelf life of products.

Prayes paint eyelashes - Preparation

Prepare inventory for the procedure:

  • sudine for mixing dye. Take a bowl of glass or porcelain. Metal containers are not suitable;
  • capacity for warm water;
  • paint for eyelashes;
  • wooden blade for mixing;
  • a small brush for paint. You can take a cotton wand or brush from carcasses, but wash it well;
  • bold cream (Vaseline);
  • cotton disks;
  • gloves;
  • mirror;
  • 10% hydrogen peroxide.

Before the procedure, check the sensitivity of the body on the dye. Maybe so that the paint does not fit you. Apply a bit of the finished paint on the bend of the elbow or on the wrist. After 20 minutes, wash off with water. If after 24 hours at this place there is no redness, itching and raw - boldly proceed to staining.

Mobile eyelashes - paint preparation

First carefully read the instructions for the paint. If you are not sure that we will handle the procedure yourself - ask a girlfriend or relative to make you an eyelashes. Prepare paint according to the instructions. Do not use all right away. Dyel dilution process:

  • in a bowl, squeeze 2 ml of paint;
  • dilute the paint with two drops of peroxide. The peroxide can be replaced with a tablet of hydroperide diluted with water;
  • stir the composition with a wooden shovel or a stick to homogeneity.

In many sets for eyelash coloring, there is an activator and brushes with a bottle of paint. Mix the paint and the activator to come out thick paste. Do it in gloves. Refuse the idea of \u200b\u200bstaining if you are present:

  • eye disease;
  • irritation;
  • allergy to paint;
  • wounds in the eye area.

Paint paint eyelashes - coloring process

Rock makeup from face. If you go to contact lenses - remove them. Eyelashes before painting do not wet water. Staining procedure:

  • do with your cotton chopstick on the skin area around the eyes. This will be protected from the effects of chemicals present in the composition of the dye;
  • follow the lower eyelid discs from wool, moistened with water and folded in half. Eyelashes are located on top on disk;
  • dip the brush in a bowl with dilute paint;
  • tolstly lay the paint on the eyelashes. Start from the cilia of the upper. If you do the procedure yourself - look in the mirror. Try to paint closer to the roots of the cilia. Do not hurry, try to make the dye not accidentally in the eye. Immediately, if it happened. You do not want to paint the lower cilia - put them in a special plaster. During the procedure, it is desirable to close your eyes, a helper is useful here.

After 10-15 minutes, wash off the paint with warm water using cotton disks. You can wash in the bathroom under the crane or prepare a bowl of warm water in advance. Dry cotton disks wipe the area of \u200b\u200bcoloring and erase the paint stains from the face. Slide with light creamy skin around the eyes and rejoice in painted eyelashes.

The paint will laugh at the eyelashes from 30 to 45 days. If you like the result - repeat the procedure every two months. The eyelashes will not become longer or thicker, but will noticeably darken. This procedure is useful for girls with blond with nature with cilia.

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