How to control speed

How to control speed

Put the speedometer arrow - a special kind of hobby for some. However, the statistics of the inexperience - the lion's share of accidents on the road with a fatal outcome occurs due to the fault of the drivers who decided not to comply with the speed mode. In order to reduce the number of accidents, the cruise control was invented. Almost all new cars are equipped with this device. How to use it?

Cruise control is capable of performing several functions, which makes it a universal assistant under conditions of traveling to long distances in dishearsal terrain. Only at the speed of over 40 km / h, this device assumes the auto control function. When driving around urban roads, the automation is blocked.

Cruise control buttons are most often placed on the front panel or on a multiwater. Include control mode with high-speed driving, you can press the SET button.

After turning on the cruise control, the device will provide conditions for movement in a given high-speed range, regardless of road web.

To disable cruise control functions and go to manual control mode, just press the OFF button. In addition, you can block cruise control by clicking on the brake pedal or clutch.

"Land autopilot" is quite a smart - on the descents the speed reduces, in the rises - increases. But without cruise control of traveling to distant distances would be tedious.

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