The adaptation of the throttle is needed in order for the engine that controls the engine to determine where the gas pedal is located during a certain area of \u200b\u200bdriving. It must be done in several cases: after installing a new part, after washing, when changing or failing of an electronic control unit.
Preparatory work is initially performed. For cars that have an AWT engine, the damper is removed, and which have an ADR engine - first all the pipes that close access, and then the damper itself are removed. The throttle is washed by the carburetor cleaner.
The damper is put in place. Diagnostic equipment is connected and engine starts. After that, the opening angle is checked on xx. The value should be 3.5, a maximum of 4. Next, the power unit is heated to 85% and turns off.
The ignition is turned on and from this moment the adaptation of the throttle begins directly. First of all, it is necessary to remove all errors. The following combinations are pressed: 01 - engine; 04 - basic installations; 60 - adaptation of the damper. The 60 field is pressed by the “Adapt” or “set up” button. After a few seconds, the message will appear: "Adaptation occurs." Over time - “OK adaptation” or “Adaptation is completed”. After that, the ignition turns off. In some old cars, instead of 60, address 98.
Cars who have an ADR engine are adapting differently. The engine starts, warms up and jerks. On the dashboard, you must go to the internal combustion engine and dial 08-060. In the fourth field there should be certain characters: “Adp. I.O. " / “N I.O”.
Adaptation is carried out in the field where there are symbols “Adp”. A noise should appear in the damper itself and highlight “ADP. Laft ". Symbols "Adp I.O." testify to successful adaptation if the following designation appears - “N.I.O.” “So something is wrong.”
Following the step -by -step instructions, the adaptation of the throttle can be easily done independently.