What dreams of drinking?

What dreams of drinking?

In a dream, various drinks are often shot, but each of them bears its meaning for a person. Give the exact definition of a sleep that you drink is impossible. For the reason that the interpretation of the vision depends on what exactly you drink in what quantity, from which, with whom, etc.

) What to dream of drinking from a certain dish?

Also, it is important on what day you had a dream, if from Thursday on Friday, it is worth not to bypass the dream in which you drink.

If you see in a dream as you drink or someone else, this dream is carrying meaningful, for example:

  • If in a dream to drink from one glass with someone else, regardless of the quantity and quality of the drink - it means that someone will open your secret or gossipped behind his back.
  • Drink any drink from gold or silverware - to great good luck and luck.
  • Drink clean water from glass - to a good marriage, wedding.
  • From the bucket - to the injury.
  • Drinking water from faceted glass - someone can threaten you, you should be careful.
  • If you drink a drink from a jug - this is a well-being in the family.
  • From the circle - to profit.
  • Drinking from a stack or winery - to troubles in relations with loved ones, quarrels, divorce.
  • From the Big Cup - to joy.
  • Drink from the bottle (especially alcohol) - for happiness in the family. And also to strong friendship, maybe in the near future you will meet your native soul.

Sleeping depending on the drinking liquid

  • Drink noble strong drinks in a dream, it promises well-being, welfare.
  • If you drink a glass of light wine, it does not matter white or red - it's for a grinding with a person's relatives.
  • Beer or other inexpensive drink - to trouble or illness.
  • Drink in a dream with milk, it means that you need to know yourself in another area, it is possible to get an education or to go for additional courses.
  • Drink coffee / tea in a dream - expect pleasant guests.
  • Drink sweet water, juice, perhaps even unusual color is an unforgettable romantic date.
  • Drinking water from the well - you are awaiting successful things, it means that at this time it is worth starting something new, which you have long been dreaming, but did not dare.
  • Red wine from wine glasses - to a long road, travel.
  • Champagne can dream if you expect to make any transaction, such a dream promises good news, and all your expectations will come true.
  • Drink from the hole - to love.
  • If in a dream the girl drinks goat milk - this is a successful marriage with a rich man
  • Kefir - to discomfort, trouble.
  • If you dream that you want to drink hard and quench your thirst - it means that you are all accepting "to your account."
  • Clean cold water - to strong health.
  • Dirty and warm water - to the disease.
  • If the bride dreamed, as if she was drinking water with his beloved from one source, it means that his choice was done correctly. Ahead of her awaits happy family life.
  • In a dream, drink water, and it seems to you bitter, it is to unexpected wealth.
  • If you really want to drink - this indicates that you need help.
  • Drink cold kvass, or sour drink - to adversity, do not make a deal, because She can break.
  • To drink a glass of dark beer in a dream, in real life you can be disappointed in your beloved person, or a close friend.
  • Coca-Cola or Peppi dreams to strong health.
  • If drinking oils (vegetable) in a dream is not good, perhaps in life you will come across the diseases of the stomach.
  • In a dream, drink vodka is a sign that you are condemned, gossip.
  • If in a dream you are treated with any drink, you should look at your friends, perhaps among them there is someone who wishes evil.
  • In a dream to see a feast, where you drink in a circle of people - this is a conflict with friends or colleagues.
  • Drinking brandy, especially with a special glade - is to wealth and financial independence.
  • If you gave you a bottle of brandy or other noble drink - it is an unexpected wealth.
  • If you broke the bottle - this is a monetary loss.
  • Bought a bottle of skate - this is to pleasant news, and a favorable time for new achievements.
  • A businessman dreamed of whether he was drinking wine - this is to the prosperity of his business.
  • Drink sour wine or champagne - to sorrow and experiences.
  • If you saw a coffee thickness in a dream, after drinking a drink is a sign that you have doubts, and this is no accident.
  • Cocoa dreams of a funny transmitted with friends.
  • If you boil Cocoa in a dream, and then drink to pleasant surprises.
  • If you dream, you drink blood, do not leave such a dream without attention. You should get rid of all negative in life, because such a dream is sulit that you are threatened with danger.
  • Drink compote is to a quarrel.
  • In a dream, drink pills - standing in real life to reverse your health.

Any dream is worth deciphered correctly, you should not take everything too radically, because dreams exist to warn or warn us. Despite the way you dreamed of - nice or not, you need to draw conclusions and act as you will tell you intuition.

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