True or action with a guy game

True or action with a guy game

There are many different games for couples, but one of the most fun and interesting is "truth or action". Let's talk today about what this game represents, how to play a pair in it and what you need to know about it.

Organization of the game

It is necessary to immediately note the fact that the game considered is very interesting, and besides no noisy, so you can play on any party, a calm evening, in general, in any atmosphere. To participate in this game can all without exception. No need to lead nor judge, so, everyone can be involved. You can play a big company, and together, so this game is relevant for couples.

First you need to deal with the game rules in order to understand all its essence:

  • You can play in the game in your currently in online mode, but it will be an ideal option if it is to be faced to face. So, we will deal with this game in stages:
  • First you need to decide on the players. Of course, if you are only two, then this question disappears. In principle, this game is designed for a sufficiently large number of people, and the more they are involved, the more interesting the game, but for couples, especially newly minted, this game will also be very interesting and intriguing.
  • Before you start to play it, each player should understand the rules, and most importantly, that you have to tell everyone who playing that this game is not children's and questions will be similar as actions. Therefore, immediately before the game you need to decide who will play in it, and who will decide to be a spectator (in the case of a couple, or both play or no one).
  • The girl should convince the guy that this is a very interesting game that will help them learn more of each other, and will also get closer.
  • The first thing you need to mention is that it is impossible to choose several times the same option (in this case, either "truth" or "action"), because the game will become predictable and not interesting. For example, it is possible to start such a rule, if "Action" was chosen twice in a row, the third time, no longer depend on the player and automatically it falls "True".

Before starting the game, you need to clarify all the details so that there are no questions later. When two play, you need to decide:

  • What questions will be in the game (in this case, or a list of issues is discussed, or it is allowed to ask any questions and if there are wishes, some are excluded).
  • The rules relating to "actions" should also be discussed - what actions are under the ban, where it will be necessary to perform whether other persons can be involved in the game.
  • It is necessary to determine how it will be the decency of the tasks - either in turn (this is a less interesting option for two), or with a bottle (it will decide whose turn now).

Rules of the game

A funny company is very fun to play such a game, but the pairs in this game will not be bored. The fact is that by playing this game a couple, you can get very close and do what they did not decide before. For example, questions may be with a sexual population (in principle, this is the whole point of the game when a couple plays in it).

In general, we define with those who will ask the question after which the selected player asks his partner - "True or Action". The second in turn chooses from two options.

If the action is selected, it means that the first player comes up with that it is necessary to make a player who sew this answer. This can be anything, but if you are a couple that recently meet, and you are physically pulling to each other, then the actions may be as follows:

  • Kiss Me
  • Touch me with your tongue
  • Take off the T-shirt with yourself (or other clothes)

In general, the actions must be provocative so that the participant is not so easy to do this, but at the same time, both have received pleasure from this game.

In the event that the player refuses to perform this or that "action", in the usual game, all other players come up with a desire, and the participant must at random to choose any of them and execute. But in the case under consideration, this rule loses its relevance, because if the player refused to perform an action, he would still have to fulfill it, because it may be the desire of a player who gives a task.

If the player chose "True", then you will need to ask a question on which you would like to hear a truthful answer. Questions should be with a "highlight" so that the player does not really want to answer questions and he chose "action". Or another option of questions in this plan:

  • do you love me
  • i'm exciting you
  • wanted you (a) you will spend with me night
  • how many guys you had (girls) before me

It must be said that this game is when a couple plays in it, is a method to know each other better and, of course, to get close. You want to finally enter into an intimate connection with your guy - this game is a great option to achieve the goal. Just imagine, you are sitting half-naked opposite each other, perform different sexual desires, answer intimate questions, clearly, that the end of this game is only one - stormy sex.

Of course, the outcome can be different, it may even be a quarrel and conflict. It all depends on the players, because some ask questions to which, in fact, do not want to hear truthful answers and desires make such that the second player feels awkward.

Avoid such turns in the game, so that it did not lead to the final discontinuity or a long conflict.

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